[Abstract]:The eighth National Annual Conference on Art and the Evolution of Art was held in Henan University from October 20 to October 22, 2012. The participants discussed the evolution and construction of the subject of art, the inheritance and dissemination of Chinese art, the study of art and its contemporary transformation, the art of the Song Dynasty and its transmission. The content involves the research system, theoretical fulcrum and research field of art theory. It can be concluded that the research content of this conference has been preliminarily set up since March 2011, when the academic degrees Committee of the State Council and the Ministry of Education established that art science should be regarded as an independent category and the theory of art was upgraded to a first-level discipline. The discipline system of the theory of art.
【作者单位】: 东南大学艺术学院;
【基金】:教育部人文社会科学研究项目“反讽的狂欢:“网络造句”的文化心理研究”(11YJC760026) 江苏省社会科学基金项目“浪漫主义艺术美学研究”(09WWC009) 东南大学基本科研业务费基金创新基金项目(3213041501) 东南大学科技基金(9513049032) 全国哲学社会科学基金青年项目(12CZX075)阶段性成果
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