[Abstract]:Historically, the rise and fall of the image of China in the West have changed with the changes of the relations between China and the West and the interests of the Western countries themselves. The western image of China not only influences the western people's view of China, but also enters the Chinese intellectual's thought with the western modernity thought. The study of "the image of China in the western horizon" has gradually become a hot topic in domestic academic circles. The domestic research on the Chinese image of the western field of vision has been carried out gradually, but it has never been rid of the western concept of modernity and research achievements, but it only examines itself in the mirror image of the "other person". To change this situation, we should not only attach importance to the reference meaning of the Western Chinese image to us, but also attach importance to the discourse mechanism behind the image, be alert to the domination of the western discourse over the Chinese expression, and establish cultural self-confidence and cultural consciousness. Construct one's own subjectivity.
【作者单位】: 辽宁大学文学院;
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