[Abstract]:"the climax of the year of Chinese Culture was presented on the stage by a large-scale, mixed Peking Opera and a stunning dance drama, which reminds us of the works of the opera master Weber." "the applause from the Opera Hall of the Sydney Opera House told us that the Pink Spring and Autumn Festival added to the success of the China-Australia Cultural year and added glory to China!"! Li Bihua, the playwright of Pink Spring and Autumn, is an influential writer in Hong Kong. Because she met Huang Doudou by chance, when Xing Shimiao, director of Xing Shimiao, asked her to write a dance play entitled "three Wushu students as the backbone," she "figured out how to create my talent in heaven and earth for the sake of short stature but dexterous skill." Don't be discouraged by setbacks, for when opportunity comes, you are ready, and there is always a day to come. " After watching the dance play "A handful of date", I have two deep impressions: first, I think the play is a small topic deduces the big theme, it reflects the big theme or the big background is Jin merchants; The second deep impression is that the creative innovation and exploration of the dance play embodies a spirit of exploration, a spirit of innovation and a spirit of pioneering. Art vocational colleges strive to embody professional characteristics and actively explore the development of integration of production, learning and research. They insist on combining teaching performance with art practice, while ensuring teaching quality, increasing the strength of scientific research in order to improve the theoretical level of the college, and organizing the performance practice to strengthen the students' practical ability. Vocational education has an obvious connotation, that is, education is closely related to occupation, that is to say, it is closely related to specific posts, specific undertakings, specific employment directions, and specific practical and applied abilities. Art vocational education is first employment education, is to cultivate the first-class talents welcomed by the society. The effect of education should not only depend on whether the students can fill in the standard answers accurately, but also on the students' learning ability, practical ability and innovation ability. It is necessary to establish the concept of all-round development, the concept of talent growth, the concept of diversified talents, the concept of systematic training, the concept of lifelong learning, the formation of open system, flexible mechanism, mutual communication of channels, and the choice of diverse talent training system. The reason why education becomes the necessity of human society, like many necessary things in human society, is for the survival and development of human society. Therefore, the most basic function of education is to make each individual one of the basic rules of acquisition and integration into society, and the second is to acquire and develop the basic ability of individual. The former determines the formation of the concept of general education and the latter promotes the expansion of the function of vocational education.
【作者单位】: 中华人民共和国文化部文化科技司;
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