[Abstract]:The translation project is part of the Foreign Research Institute's Bilingual Project. The source language is the last seven chapters of Lady Gaskell's novel Lady Ludlow. The translation will be published as an e-book for English and translation learners to learn and read. Due to the special time and social background, this novel is quite different from modern English in the use of some language expressions and meanings, which brings some difficulties to the translation work. The main difficulty is at the lexical level. When a word is collocated with another word to form a fixed phrase, it often produces a new meaning. The translator must be able to recognize the fixed phrase first, otherwise it is easy to mistranslate. The meaning of the same English word may change when it appears in a particular time or place context, and there may be several Chinese words with very similar meanings corresponding to it, and some of the seemingly common words appear in the context of a particular time or place. The translator must put these words in context, combine the specific time, place and even the background of the times to determine the corresponding words in Chinese. Otherwise, it may affect the readers, especially the beginners of English and translation, to understand the full text. Some interrogative words in some special circumstances no longer contain the meaning of inquiry, but express a specific tone, such as emotion, surprised tone and so on. If it is translated into interrogative words without thinking, the contextual logic will be impassable and the reader will have difficulty in understanding. According to the "functional loyalty" (function plus loyalty) theory and the text analysis theory of (text analysis) proposed by Christian Nord (Christiane Nord), a representative of German functional school, the translator-oriented text analysis can determine the purpose of translation. Translation purpose determines translation strategies. The purpose of the project is to provide translation materials for beginners. As a result, translation methods such as part of speech conversion, rewriting or interpretation are used in the translation of the project. A good translator must have a high sense of responsibility to the author, the initiator and the recipient of the text, pay attention to the actual needs of the target readers, and adopt corresponding translation strategies. One of the implications of the project's translation practice is that MTI should attach importance to translation theory, integrate translation theory into a large number of translation practices, and improve students' ability to combine theory with practice. Cultivate students' good professional and professional qualities.
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