[Abstract]:This paper is composed of seven parts, and discusses Hegel's important basic problems in the art of making. The introduction part puts forward the purpose and the research method of writing the paper. In the second part, the artistic experience of Hegel's tourism in Europe is described, and it is considered that this catalyst is the love of Hegel's art of the creation of art, and strengthens his form of artistic sensibility. The third part discusses Hegel's study of art history (? ) The analysis, research and new creation of the exhibition mainly discussed Hegel's inheritance and development of the thoughts of the art history of Schering, Kant, Goethe and Winkman, and pointed out that Hegel took them into his own artistic theory system. The fourth part discusses the principles of Hegel's art classification and some basic characteristics in the art of making. The fifth part expounds the development of Hegel's artistic theory, and holds that this is the expression of Hegel's theory in the art. The sixth part is the conclusion that Hegel's contribution to the history of art is reviewed, which is mainly manifested in the expansion of the research scope and field of the history of art. Hegel is of the opinion that the art is the main body from the inside to the outside; and his research has adopted the development view of the dialectics and the history. In this way, the formation and development of Hegel's type of art is studied in depth, and the theoretical construction principle of Hegel's type of art and its contribution to the history of art are described.
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