发布时间:2017-08-04 13:33
【摘要】:尤金.奈达指出翻译的本质是两种语言的交流,他的功能对等理论要求翻译一定要将意义对等放在第一位,但也不能忽略语言的形式在翻译过程中的重要性。功能对等理论指出译文要通过合理的策略和方法达到最贴切自然的对等,让译文读者产生于原文读者相同或类似的反应。 《西游记》作为中国古典四大名著之一在世界上享有盛誉。其文中大量谚语的运用不仅加强了表达效果,也更好地提升了作品的文学价值。 本文在功能对等理论指导下,主要讨论《西游记》中谚语的翻译。在从语言和文化两个角度仔细分析了汉语谚语的特点的基础上,运用奈达对等的理论分析了译文(詹那尔译本)和原文中谚语形、意对等情况以及翻译的策略和方法的运用。最后得出结论;异化是译者翻译谚语所采用的主要策略。异化可以在意义对等的基础上最大程度的保留原语的语言和文化特色。事实上,纯粹的异化翻译又会造成意义翻译的错误。而归化策略的运用可以更好弥补异化的缺点。因此在翻译谚语是,应采用异化和归化相结合,异化第一归化第二的翻译策略,并在该翻译策略的指导下选用相应合适的翻译方法完成谚语的翻译。
【关键词】:《西游记》谚语 功能对等 异化 归化
- 摘要5-6
- Abstract6-10
- Introduction10-15
- 0.1 Brief Introduction about Xi You Ji and Its Translation Versions10-13
- 0.2 Significance of the Research13-14
- 0.3 Organization of the Thesis14-15
- Chapter 1 Literature Review15-30
- 1.1. Researches on the Translation of Xi You Ji15-18
- 1.2 Literature Review on Functional Equivalence18-28
- 1.2.1 General Description of Equivalence Theory18-19
- 1.2.2 Nida's Functional Equivalence Theory19-24
- 1.2.3 Different Attitude to Functional Equivalence at Home and Abroad24-28
- 1.3 The Relationship between Functional Equivalence Theory and the Translation of Proverbs28-30
- Chapter 2 Characteristics of Chinese Proverbs in Xi You Ji30-54
- 2.1 The Definition of Proverbs30-34
- 2.1.1 Various Definitions from Scholar and Dictionaries31-32
- 2.1.2 The Differences among Proverbs,Set phrase and Two-part Allegorical Sayings32-34
- 2.2 The Characteristics of Chinese Proverbs in Xi You Ji34-54
- 2.2.1 Semantic Features35-38
- 2.2.2 Syntactical Features38-41
- 2.2.3 Rhetorical Features41-47
- 2.2.4 Cultural Connotations of Chinese Proverbs47-54
- Chapter 3 A Case Study of the Translation of Proverbs inW.J.F.Jenner's Version Based on Functional Equivalence54-83
- 3.1 Cases of the Translation of Proverbs in Xi You Ji54-69
- 3.1.1 Preservation of the Original Meaning and Form55-57
- 3.1.2 Transformation the Form Based on Meaning Equivalence57-67
- 3.1.3 Omission67-68
- 3.1.4 Mistranslation68-69
- 3.2 Application of Translation Strategies and Methods in Jenner's Version69-80
- 3.2.1 The Definition of Foreignization and Domestication69-71
- 3.2.2 Strategies and Methods71-80
- 3.3 Summary80-83
- Conclusion83-85
- Bibliography85-88
- Appendix88-105
- Acknowledgements105-106
- 中文详细摘要106-111
中国期刊全文数据库 前3条
1 陈金诗;张刚;;英汉谚语的辞格分类及翻译[J];河北理工学院学报(社会科学版);2005年03期
2 郑锦怀;吴永f;;《西游记》百年英译的描述性研究[J];广西社会科学;2012年10期
3 袁良平;;汉英谚语句型比较研究与翻译[J];上海翻译;2006年03期