发布时间:2017-08-24 21:41
【摘要】:文以载道,中国古诗作为中华民族精神的重要载体,在当今文化大交融的时代,成为了传输中国传统文化的重要渠道,也使得越来越多的国内外学者投身于中国古诗的翻译中来。然而,中国古诗英译,绝非简单的语言转换过程,而是要还原其意境与情趣。在这方面,汪榕培教授的古诗英译技巧非常具有指导性。一是他在古诗英译实践中做到了“以诗译诗,形神皆似”;二是其译作大多遵循他所提出的“传神达意”这一古诗英译原则及其翻译技巧。 本文主要研究汪榕培教授诗歌英译的翻译技巧,围绕着汪教授古诗英译的翻译技巧的特点和这些翻译技巧在其翻译实践中的体现来展开研究。 基于以上研究问题,本文以《诗经》、《陶渊明集》、《汉魏六朝诗三百首》、《枫桥夜泊》四部作品作为研究对象,选择了Arthur Waley,James Legge,Burton Watson和许渊冲等人的英译版本与汪教授的译本进行对比研究,通过分析,证明了汪教授在译诗过程中如何运用保持原诗的风貌、再现原诗的意象、忠实的传达原诗的内容、关注读者的感受四个翻译技巧,使其翻译作品做到“形神皆似”、“传神达意”。
【关键词】:古诗 汪榕培 翻译技巧
- 摘要5-6
- Abstract6-9
- Chapter 1 Introduction9-11
- 1.1 Background and Purpose of the Research9-10
- 1.2 Research Questions10
- 1.3 Organization of the Thesis10-11
- Chapter 2 Literature Review11-15
- 2.1 Previous Studies on Classical Chinese Poetry Translation11-12
- 2.2 Previous Studies on Wang Rongpei12-15
- Chapter 3 The Features and Untranslatability of Classical Chinese Poetry15-20
- 3.1 Features of Classical Chinese Poetry15-17
- 3.1.1 Words and Syntax in Classical Chinese poetry15-16
- 3.1.2 Allusion in Classical Chinese Poetry16
- 3.1.3 Cultural Imagery in Classical Chinese Poetry16-17
- 3.2 The Untranslatability of Classical Chinese Poetry17-20
- 3.2.1 The Untranslatability of Content17-18
- 3.2.2 The Untranslatability of Rhyme18
- 3.2.3 The Untranslatability of Figures of Speech18-19
- 3.2.4 Approaches to Deal with the Untranslatability19-20
- Chapter 4 Wang Rongpei’s Translation Strategies20-25
- 4.1 Verse for Verse Translation20-21
- 4.2 Transference of Cultural Imagery21-22
- 4.3 Faithful in Meaning22-24
- 4.4 Concentrating on Reader’s Feeling24-25
- Chapter 5 The Application of Wang Rongpei’s Translation Strategies in Classical Chinese Poetry Translation25-42
- 5.1 The Application of Verse for Verse Translation in Book of Poetry26-31
- 5.2 The Application of Transference of Cultural Imagery in The Complete Works of Tao Yuanming31-37
- 5.3 The Application of Faithful in Meaning in Three Hundred Early Chinese Poems37-39
- 5.4 The Application of Concentrating on Reader’s Feeling in Maple Bridge Night Mooring39-41
- 5.5 Summary41-42
- Chapter 6 Conclusion42-44
- 6.1 Major Findings42-43
- 6.2 Limitations of the Research43
- 6.3 Suggestions for further Research43-44
- References44-47
- Acknowledgements47-48
- Resume48-49
- Academic Achievement49
中国期刊全文数据库 前10条
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