发布时间:2019-01-04 17:36
【摘要】:任璧莲是当代著名的美国华裔女作家之一,与谭恩美、李建孙及雷祖威并称为美国华裔文坛“四人帮”。随着汤亭亭和谭恩美的小说获得成功之后,,任壁莲的处女作《典型的美国佬》成为吸引美国人关注华裔世界的又一力作。该书获得1991年度“纽约时报年度图书奖”,并成功入围“美国全国图书评论奖”。 《典型的美国佬》中,任璧莲讲述的是华裔主人公拉尔夫·张追寻美国梦的故事。以此展示少数族裔知识分子的无奈与抗争。受商品社会的侵蚀,拉尔夫在一切以金钱为中心的社会中迷失自我,逐渐抛弃对家庭与社会的责任。但最终在故土与新园之间,用中美两种文化下的双重视角重新定义和审视自己的社会角色并走向知识分子梦。 本论文集中笔墨于“美国梦”这一主题,试图通过挖掘主人公拉尔夫美国梦的发展历程,探究少数族裔知识分子的双重视角对追寻美国梦的现实意义。论文共分为三个部分。第一部分分析主人公拉尔夫来到美国后的第一个梦想“学者梦”。刚到美国的拉尔夫为了成为父亲心中的“好儿子”,实现父亲对他的期盼,视博士学位和终身教职为学者梦的目标。但圆梦过程中,拉尔夫的个人权利和自由受到孝亲文化的束缚,使他最终放弃学者梦,同时宣告拉尔夫的孝亲观在美国迁移的失败。第二部分探析主人公的“商人梦”。为追求金钱与地位,拉尔夫转而追寻商人梦-即典型的美国发财致富梦。然而,在利益驱使下的商业投机致使拉尔夫的商人梦也以破灭收场,从而反映美国文化中极端个人主义和拜金主义的不合理性。第三部分探究主人公的“美国梦”。在经历重重挫折后,拉尔夫重回教学岗位,对家庭和社会的责任感使其走向一名真正的知识分子,最终能够运用中美文化“边缘人”的双重视角获得观察和思考的独特角度。最后,结论部分阐述任璧莲希望通过拉尔夫这一两种文化之间的少数族裔知识分子“边缘人”的视角来重新审视美国梦,反思美国文化不合理之处。
[Abstract]:Ren Bilian is one of the famous contemporary Chinese American women writers. She is known as the Gang of four in Chinese American literature together with Amy Tan, Li Jiansun and Lei Zuwei. With the success of Maxine Hong Kingston and Amy Tan's novel, Ren's debut, the typical American, has become another effort to attract American attention to the Chinese world. The book won the 1991 New York Times Book of the year Award and was selected for the National Book Review Award. In typical American, Billian tells the story of Ralph Chang, the Chinese hero pursuing the American dream. This shows the frustration and resistance of minority intellectuals. Eroded by the commodity society, Ralph lost himself in all money-centered societies and gradually abandoned his responsibilities to the family and society. But in the end, between the native land and the new garden, we redefine and examine our social role from the perspective of Chinese and American cultures and go to the intellectual dream. This thesis deals with the theme of "American Dream" and attempts to explore the realistic significance of the dual perspective of minority intellectuals in pursuit of the American Dream by digging into the development of Ralph's American Dream. The thesis is divided into three parts. The first part analyzes Ralph's first dream "Scholar Dream" after he came to the United States. Ralph, who had just arrived in the United States, aimed at becoming a good son in his father's heart, realizing his father's expectation, and regarding his doctorate and tenure as the goal of a scholar's dream. However, in the process of fulfilling the dream, Ralph's personal rights and freedoms were bound by filial piety culture, which made him abandon the scholar's dream and declare Ralph's filial piety failed in the United States. The second part analyzes the protagonist's "merchant dream". In pursuit of money and status, Ralph turned to pursue the merchant dream-the typical American dream of getting rich. However, the commercial speculation driven by profit led Ralph's merchant dream to end, reflecting the irrationality of extreme individualism and money worship in American culture. The third part explores the protagonist's American Dream. After going through many setbacks, Ralph returned to his teaching position, his sense of responsibility for family and society led him to a real intellectual, and finally he was able to obtain a unique angle of observation and thinking from the perspective of the "marginal people" of Chinese and American culture. At last, the conclusion explains that Ren Bian hopes to re-examine the American dream and reflect on the unreasonableness of American culture through the perspective of Ralph, the "marginal person" of minority intellectuals in one or two cultures.
[Abstract]:Ren Bilian is one of the famous contemporary Chinese American women writers. She is known as the Gang of four in Chinese American literature together with Amy Tan, Li Jiansun and Lei Zuwei. With the success of Maxine Hong Kingston and Amy Tan's novel, Ren's debut, the typical American, has become another effort to attract American attention to the Chinese world. The book won the 1991 New York Times Book of the year Award and was selected for the National Book Review Award. In typical American, Billian tells the story of Ralph Chang, the Chinese hero pursuing the American dream. This shows the frustration and resistance of minority intellectuals. Eroded by the commodity society, Ralph lost himself in all money-centered societies and gradually abandoned his responsibilities to the family and society. But in the end, between the native land and the new garden, we redefine and examine our social role from the perspective of Chinese and American cultures and go to the intellectual dream. This thesis deals with the theme of "American Dream" and attempts to explore the realistic significance of the dual perspective of minority intellectuals in pursuit of the American Dream by digging into the development of Ralph's American Dream. The thesis is divided into three parts. The first part analyzes Ralph's first dream "Scholar Dream" after he came to the United States. Ralph, who had just arrived in the United States, aimed at becoming a good son in his father's heart, realizing his father's expectation, and regarding his doctorate and tenure as the goal of a scholar's dream. However, in the process of fulfilling the dream, Ralph's personal rights and freedoms were bound by filial piety culture, which made him abandon the scholar's dream and declare Ralph's filial piety failed in the United States. The second part analyzes the protagonist's "merchant dream". In pursuit of money and status, Ralph turned to pursue the merchant dream-the typical American dream of getting rich. However, the commercial speculation driven by profit led Ralph's merchant dream to end, reflecting the irrationality of extreme individualism and money worship in American culture. The third part explores the protagonist's American Dream. After going through many setbacks, Ralph returned to his teaching position, his sense of responsibility for family and society led him to a real intellectual, and finally he was able to obtain a unique angle of observation and thinking from the perspective of the "marginal people" of Chinese and American culture. At last, the conclusion explains that Ren Bian hopes to re-examine the American dream and reflect on the unreasonableness of American culture through the perspective of Ralph, the "marginal person" of minority intellectuals in one or two cultures.
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