发布时间:2021-04-25 13:53
【文章来源】:湖南师范大学湖南省 211工程院校
【文章页数】:66 页
0.1 A General Description of the Study
0.2 The Significance of the Study
0.3 A Survey of Existing Studies
0.4 The Structure of the Thesis
Chapter One Vonnegut and Timequake
1.1 Kurt Vonnegut
1.1.1 His Life and Education
1.1.2 His Works and Influence
1.2 Timequake
1.2.1 Aesthetic Features of Post-Modern Novels
1.2.2 Typical Themes and Characteristics of Vonnegut's Novels
1.2.3 Aesthetic Features of Timequke In Theme In Language In Narration
Chapter Two Schema Theory
2.1 The Origin of Schemata
2.2 The Definitions of Schemata
2.3 The Classifications of Schemata
2.3.1 Guy Cook's Classification
2.3.2 Pan Weimin's Classification
2.3.3 Zhou Dubao's Classification
2.3.4 Rumelhart's Classification
2.4 The Application of Schema Theory
2.4.1 In Artificial Intelligence
2.4.2 In Linguistics
Chapter Three Schema Theory in the Process of Translation
3.1 Translation as a Process
3.2 The Roles of Schemata in Translating Process
3.2.1 Improving Comprehending the Source Text
3.2.2 Helping Retrieve Information from Memory
3.2.3 Activation of Target Language Readers' Schemata
3.3 Schematic Methods of Translation
3.3.1 Bottom-Up and Top-Down Processing
3.3.2 Prototype and Template Matching
Chapter Four Schematic Interpretation of the Translation of Timequake
4.1 In Language
4.1.1 Irony
4.1.2 Sarcasm
4.1.3 Hyperbole
4.1.4 Metaphor and Simile
4.1.5 Parody
4.1.6 Anti-climax
4.2 In Culture
4.2.1 Idioms
4.2.2 Self-Coined Words
5.1 Findings of the Study
5.2 Implications of the Study
5.3 Limitations of the Study
5.4 Suggestions for Further Research
[1]英美文学中黑色幽默作品的叙事技巧[J]. 安婕. 甘肃联合大学学报(社会科学版). 2006(05)
[2]图式理论对理解翻译的解释力[J]. 周笃宝. 南华大学学报(社会科学版). 2002(04)
[3]论翻译的图式文本[J]. 张梅岗. 中国翻译. 2002(01)
[4]翻译教学中的文化期待图式[J]. 潘卫民. 五邑大学学报(社会科学版). 2001(04)
[5]文学翻译中的形象思维[J]. 范勇. 外语学刊. 2001(02)
【文章来源】:湖南师范大学湖南省 211工程院校
【文章页数】:66 页
0.1 A General Description of the Study
0.2 The Significance of the Study
0.3 A Survey of Existing Studies
0.4 The Structure of the Thesis
Chapter One Vonnegut and Timequake
1.1 Kurt Vonnegut
1.1.1 His Life and Education
1.1.2 His Works and Influence
1.2 Timequake
1.2.1 Aesthetic Features of Post-Modern Novels
1.2.2 Typical Themes and Characteristics of Vonnegut's Novels
1.2.3 Aesthetic Features of Timequke In Theme In Language In Narration
Chapter Two Schema Theory
2.1 The Origin of Schemata
2.2 The Definitions of Schemata
2.3 The Classifications of Schemata
2.3.1 Guy Cook's Classification
2.3.2 Pan Weimin's Classification
2.3.3 Zhou Dubao's Classification
2.3.4 Rumelhart's Classification
2.4 The Application of Schema Theory
2.4.1 In Artificial Intelligence
2.4.2 In Linguistics
Chapter Three Schema Theory in the Process of Translation
3.1 Translation as a Process
3.2 The Roles of Schemata in Translating Process
3.2.1 Improving Comprehending the Source Text
3.2.2 Helping Retrieve Information from Memory
3.2.3 Activation of Target Language Readers' Schemata
3.3 Schematic Methods of Translation
3.3.1 Bottom-Up and Top-Down Processing
3.3.2 Prototype and Template Matching
Chapter Four Schematic Interpretation of the Translation of Timequake
4.1 In Language
4.1.1 Irony
4.1.2 Sarcasm
4.1.3 Hyperbole
4.1.4 Metaphor and Simile
4.1.5 Parody
4.1.6 Anti-climax
4.2 In Culture
4.2.1 Idioms
4.2.2 Self-Coined Words
5.1 Findings of the Study
5.2 Implications of the Study
5.3 Limitations of the Study
5.4 Suggestions for Further Research
[1]英美文学中黑色幽默作品的叙事技巧[J]. 安婕. 甘肃联合大学学报(社会科学版). 2006(05)
[2]图式理论对理解翻译的解释力[J]. 周笃宝. 南华大学学报(社会科学版). 2002(04)
[3]论翻译的图式文本[J]. 张梅岗. 中国翻译. 2002(01)
[4]翻译教学中的文化期待图式[J]. 潘卫民. 五邑大学学报(社会科学版). 2001(04)
[5]文学翻译中的形象思维[J]. 范勇. 外语学刊. 2001(02)