发布时间:2017-04-21 08:00
【摘要】:文学翻译既是不同语言的转换活动,也是一种艺术再创造活动,同时也是一项跨文化的交流活动,背负着两种文化的传播及相互交流的重任。姜戎所著的《狼图腾》自2004年在中国发行以来在阅读和小说评论方面都引起了巨大反响。在2008年,葛浩文的英译本在全球110个国家和地区同步发行。葛浩文是美国著名的中国当代文学学者和翻译家,由于他对《狼图腾》的出色翻译,这本小说获得了第一届亚曼仕文学奖。近年来对葛浩文译本的研究也在不断增加,但大多数研究都只注重小说的文本和译者,却忽略的读者本身。 本文以接受美学为理论框架,首先展现了译文中的翻译特点,随后从读者的文化背景,语言习惯,理解能力和审美需求对比原文和译文并加以分析,论述了葛浩文在翻译中的策略选择,指出读者在翻译中的主要地位。此外,本文指出葛浩文在翻译中充分考虑读者的需求,摆脱了原文形式的束缚,删除了文本中大量的议论和描写部分,调整了小说的结构,对译本进行了大量创作。最后得出读者因素对葛浩文在《狼图腾》翻译时的文本选择,策略选择和语言表达形式都有不同程度的影响。
【关键词】:读者因素 葛浩文 《狼图腾》英译本
- 摘要5-8
- Chapter One Introduction8-14
- 1.1 Introduction to Lang Tuteng and Its Translation8-11
- 1.1.1 Introduction to Lang Tuteng and Its Author8-9
- 1.1.2 Introduction to Howard Goldblatt and His Translation of Wolf Totem9-11
- 1.2 Research Methodology11
- 1.3 Significance of the Thesis11-12
- 1.4 Structure of the Thesis12-14
- Chapter Two Literature Review14-22
- 2.1 Previous Researches on Howard Goldblatt and His Translation14-17
- 2.1.1 Howard Goldblatt and His Contributions on Chinese Literature14-15
- 2.1.2 Previous Researches on Howard Goldblatt's Translation15-17
- 2.2 Previous Researches on Howard Goldblatt's Wolf Totem17-22
- Chapter Three Theoretical Framework22-30
- 3.1 An Brief Overview of Aesthetics of Reception22-23
- 3.2 Concepts of Aesthetics of Reception23-25
- 3.2.1 Horizon of Expectation and Fusion of Horizon23-24
- 3.2.2 Indeterminacy of the Text24-25
- 3.3 Relationship between the Translator and the Reader25-27
- 3.3.1 The Reader's Primary Role in Reception25-26
- 3.3.2 The Translator in Reception26-27
- 3.3.3 The Relationship between the Translator and the Readers27
- 3.4 Application of Aesthetics of Reception in Translation Studies27-30
- Chapter Four The Manifestation of Howard Goldblatt's Viewon Translation in Wolf Totem30-38
- 4.1 Fidelity and Betray30-33
- 4.2 Creativity and Rewriting33-38
- Chapter Five Readers' Influence on Howard Goldblatt'sTranslation in Wolf Totem38-60
- 5.1 Influence on Choice of Translation Object38
- 5.2 Influence on Choice of Translation Strategies38-40
- 5.3 Influence on Goldblatt's Consideration for Readers in Translation40-58
- 5.3.1 Consideration for Readers on Culture40-49
- 5.3.2 Consideration on Reader's Language Habits49-53
- 5.3.3 Consideration on Reader's Comprehension Abilities53-55
- 5.3.4 Consideration on Reader's Aesthetic Requirements55-58
- 5.4 Summary58-60
- Chapter Six Conclusion60-62
- 6.1 Main Findings60-61
- 6.2 Limitations of the Study61-62
中国期刊全文数据库 前10条
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8 李志奇;;从《狼图腾》英译看文学翻译中的改写动机[J];时代文学(双月上半月);2009年03期
9 孙红;梁良;;《狼图腾》英译本翻译浅析[J];时代文学(下半月);2012年03期
10 朱健平;现代阐释学和接受美学在我国翻译研究中的运行轨迹[J];上海科技翻译;2002年01期