发布时间:2017-06-06 18:05
【摘要】:艾米丽勃朗特的唯一一部小说《呼啸山庄》被认为是她一生中所创作的最伟大的一部作品同时也是他出版的唯一一部小说。《呼啸山庄》有众多译本,并且其在中国经历了很长时间的接受史。 接受美学是1960年末出现在德国的一个文学批评理论,受现象学和阐释学的影响甚大。接受理论对文学翻译有很大的启示并为文学翻译和文学批评开辟了新的视角。文学文本充满了不确定性和意义空白,这些不确定性和意义空白召唤译者和读者将这些空白不断具体化,并调整其期待视野,达到与原作者期待视野相融合。 本文对英国小说《呼啸山庄》两个中译本进行了对比研究,试图从宗教信仰和文化背景方面分析译本产生的原因和不同译本的差异。论文指出,,译者通过不断地具体化,调整其期待视野来填补原作阅读中的各种不确定性和意义空白,而填充的材料来自译者的期待视野。本文所分析的译本分别是翻译家杨苡和方平的译本。杨苡和方平的译本是《呼啸山庄》最具有代表性的译本,受到了众多人的关注。杨苡和方平的译作都为这部小说在中国的传播与接受做出了贡献,是《呼啸山庄》翻译史上的重要组成部分。两位译者有不同的期待视野和不同的翻译追求,其中双方对宗教的理解和文化也不同。文学文本中充满了空白和不确定性,它们来自多层次的语言结构系统,召唤读者或译者将这些空白不断的具体化,从而与原文进行沟通,调整其以往的视界和意向,重构原作的意义。本文运用接受美学理论来分析呼啸山庄的两中译本,两位译者在填补翻译的过程中因中英语言和文化的差异所造成的无论是语言上的还是文化上的空白也有不同的方式。本文介绍并运用接受美学的核心概念:期待视野,视野融合,意义未定性和空白理论来分析译本产生的原因以及两个不同译本的不同是如何形成的。并以原作和两个中译本为语料,在此基础上做详细论证。
【关键词】:接受美学 期待视野 不确定性 文本空白 召唤结构 《呼啸山庄》
- 摘要4-5
- Abstract5-9
- Chapter 1 Introduction9-14
- 1.1 Background of the Research9-11
- 1.2 Significance of the Research11-12
- 1.3 Research Objective and Questions12
- 1.4 Structure of the Thesis12-14
- Chapter 2 Literature Review14-29
- 2.1 Researches on Reception Theory14-18
- 2.1.1 Researches on Reception Theory Abroad14-16
- 2.1.2 Researches on Reception Theory At Home16-18
- 2.2 Translation of Wuthering Heights in China and Its Acceptance18-29
- 2.2.1 Translation of Wuthering Heights in China18-22
- 2.2.2 Wuthering Heights’s Acceptance22-27
- Wuthering Heights’s Acceptance before the 20th Century22-24
- Wuthering Heights’s Acceptance after the 20th Century24-27
- 2.2.3 Summary27-29
- Chapter 3 Reception Theory and Its Application in Literary Translation Studies29-42
- 3.1 The Origin and Development of Reception Theory29-31
- 3.2 The Two Representatives31-34
- 3.3 Major Concepts of Reception Theory34-38
- 3.3.1 Horizon of Expectations and Fusions of Horizons34-36
- 3.3.2 Indeterminacy and Vacancy of Meaning36-37
- 3.3.3 Appealing Structure37-38
- 3.4 Application of Reception Theory in Literary Translation38-41
- 3.4.1 The Relation between Reception Theory and Translation38-39
- 3.4.2 Enlightenments of Reception Theory in Literary Translation39-41
- 3.5 Summary41-42
- Chapter 4 A Comparative Study of the Two Chinese Versions of Wuthering Heights from the Perspective of Reception Theory42-66
- 4.1 An Introduction to the Original Text and Two Chinese Versions42-46
- 4.1.1 The Author and the Original Text42-44
- 4.1.2 Two Chinese Versions of the Wuthering Heights44-46
- 4.2 Horizon of Expectation in the Two Versions of Wuthering Heights46-54
- 4.2.1 Translator’s Horizon of Expectation46-48
- 4.2.2 Factors Affecting Translator’s Horizon of Expectations in Wuthering Heights48-54
- Religions Beliefs48-52
- Cultural Background52-54
- 4.3 Translator’s Indeterminacy and Its Applications to the Two Versions of Wuthering Heights54-59
- 4.3.1 Functions of Translator’s Indeterminacy54-55
- 4.3.2 Effects of Translator’s Indeterminacy on the Two Versions of Wuthering Heights55-59
- 4.4 Vacancy of Meaning and Its Applications to the Two Versions of Wuthering Heights59-62
- 4.5 Appealing Structure and Its Applications to the Two Versions of Wuthering Heights62-64
- 4.6 Summary64-66
- Chapter 5 Conclusion66-70
- 5.1 Major Findings of the Thesis66-68
- 5.2 Limitations of the Thesis68
- 5.3 Suggestions for Further Study68-70
- Bibliography70-73
- Acknowledgements73-74
- Publications74
中国期刊全文数据库 前10条
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