本文关键词:论林语堂明清小品文英译的审美再现 出处:《中南大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:本文讨论的对象是明清小品文,以翻译美学相关理论为参照系,试图通过对林语堂翻译美学理论的研究和其对明清小品文的翻译实践来探讨对明清小品文的英译,展示林译明清小品文的美学再现,以期探讨作为审美主体的译者的美学素质及其作用,探究现代视域下中国古典文学作品英译的美学观照,从而在翻译过程中提高译文质量,进而为明清小品文的翻译提供合理的翻译方法和策略。 翻译美学从美学的角度看翻译,用美学观点阐释翻译,用美学思想指导翻译实践,翻译美学逐渐发展成为翻译学独立分支,在中国不断发展成长。 林语堂就是将美学思想运用到翻译理论和实践中的代表人物。本文旨在探讨林语堂的“美”译思想,并以林译明清小品文为研究对象揭示其“美”在翻译实践中的再现。作者从《论翻译》一文着于,研究林语堂以“美”为中心的翻译思想;从林语堂的人生体验和人生态度出发,探讨其对明清小品文的偏爱与痴迷;从理论联系实际出发,揭示林氏“美”译思想在明清小品文英译中的体现,并从风格,意境,意象,修辞角度进行分析。在分析林语堂小品文英译中的翻译实践时,我们可以看出作为译者,林语堂极力在原语、目的语和艺术三个方面取得平衡,以求在尽量忠实地传达原语文本的信息和文字之美的同时,也能使译文被目的语读者所接受,达到忠实、通顺、美的标准,其对明清小品文的钟爱以及其翻译处理,体现了韵味、简约意味和文化意蕴,很好地保留了原文的风韵,展现了明清小品文的图美、音美和情美。林语堂的翻译不仅仅是展现了深厚的文字功底,更是把中国人的所思所感以及日常生活辗转传给西方读者,使他们也能够了解和欣赏中国经典作品。 翻译美学的理论价值和实践价值是不容忽视的,而林语堂的翻译美学为翻译理论和实践工作者提供了指导,在翻译理论与实践研究中具有重要意义。
[Abstract]:The object of this paper is the essays of the Ming and Qing dynasties, with the relevant theories of translation aesthetics as the reference frame. Through the study of Lin Yutang's translation aesthetics theory and his translation practice of Ming and Qing prose, this paper attempts to explore the translation of Ming and Qing prose into English, and to show the aesthetic reproduction of Lin's translation of Ming and Qing prose. The purpose of this paper is to probe into the aesthetic quality and function of the translator as the aesthetic subject, and to explore the aesthetic view of the translation of Chinese classical literature works from the modern perspective, so as to improve the translation quality in the process of translation. Then it provides reasonable translation methods and strategies for the translation of essays in Ming and Qing dynasties. Translation aesthetics looks at translation from an aesthetic point of view, interprets translation from an aesthetic point of view, and guides translation practice with aesthetic ideas. Translation aesthetics has gradually developed into an independent branch of translation studies and has been developing and growing in China. Lin Yutang is a representative figure who applies aesthetic thought to translation theory and practice. The author studies Lin Yutang's translation thought centered on "beauty" from the perspective of "on Translation", and reveals the reproduction of his "Beauty" in translation practice with his short works of Ming and Qing dynasties as the research object. Based on Lin Yutang's life experience and attitude, this paper discusses his preference for and obsession with the essays of Ming and Qing dynasties. Based on the combination of theory and practice, this paper reveals the embodiment of Lin's "beauty" translation thought in the English translation of essays in the Ming and Qing dynasties, as well as his style, artistic conception and image. In analyzing the translation practice of Lin Yutang's essays, we can see that, as a translator, Lin Yutang tries his best to strike a balance between the source language, the target language and the art. In order to convey as faithfully as possible the message and the beauty of the text, the target text can also be accepted by the target language readers to meet the standards of faithfulness, smoothness and beauty. His fondness for Ming and Qing Dynasty essay and its translation treatment reflect the charm, simplicity and cultural implication of the original text, and show the pictorial beauty of the Ming and Qing prose. The translation of Lin Yutang is not only to show the profound writing skills, but also to transmit the Chinese people's thoughts and feelings and daily life to the Western readers. So that they can also understand and appreciate Chinese classical works. The theoretical and practical value of translation aesthetics can not be ignored, while Lin Yutang's translation aesthetics provides guidance for translation theory and practice workers, which is of great significance in the study of translation theory and practice.
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