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  本文关键词:影像书写的赋形思维研究 出处:《四川师范大学》2004年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 影像书写 写作 思维 蒙太奇 赋形思维

【摘要】: “图像时代”的降临,影像的诞生与急速蔓延,写作作为时代之旗手无法忽视与漠然,相反它将这种时代的需要作为自己前进的动力和契机。影像正以无法抵挡之势成为人类新书写时代的表达新宠,而一向独霸于媒介世界的文字也不得不为其腾挪出应有的空间,文字不再是写作的唯一载体。然而到目前为止,有关影像书写现象的研究多是从语言学、文化学的角度切入,如电影符号学、影像文化研究等,而对影像书写的创作原理本身缺乏深度研究。且此前的创作理论也多为经验层面的总结,呈现出零散性、感性化的理论形态。感于此,本文创造性地将广义写作思维原理的第一思维原理赋形思维运用于影像书写领域,深入到创作活动思维的内层和底部,探究影像书写的内在思维机制、创作规律及其思维特征。 文章首先从影像书写的概念与研究对象的界定入手。影像书写是在广义写作概念的范畴之下提出。广义的写作指“人类一切精神生产的活动和行为”,影像书写即以连续影像为依托的视听语言结合的影像文本的创作活动。影像书写包括外部的创作行为活动和内部的思维行为活动,本文的研究集中于影像书写的内在思维活动规律。第二章,在对既有影像书写基本结构原理——蒙太奇理论进行深刻反思的基础上,笔者发现蒙太奇理论只是停留在思维活动的表层结构之上,其深层的内在思维机制是赋形思维。并且,本文对赋形思维的基本原理——重复与对比的内涵以及在影像书写中的运用进行概要性的介绍和分析。 紧承前一章的理论分析,第三章则从纵横两个方向通过实例分析考察赋形思维 在影像书写中的具体运用。在纵向上,从影像文本的基本结构单位—句子、 段落、篇章的生成进行具体分析;在横向上,从影像文本的构成元素—声音 与画面的结构单位中考察赋形思维的具体运用。第四章则是从表达媒介、创作 主体两个方面对影像书写的赋形思维进行特征研究,得出影像书写的赋形思维 两个最显著的特征,即多媒性与多主体性。 通过以上的研究,我们发现具有哲理性和操作性的高度统一的赋形思维不 仅是潜在于蒙太奇思维底层的思维本质,同时是贯穿于影像文本的句子、段落、 篇章三个结构单位生成行为过程之中的基本思维操作模型,以及声音和画面相 互作用的关系原理。并且,赋形思维从较高的层面整合了影像书写活动多个主 体的创作理论,建立了以导演为中心、各创作主体共同分形的赋形思维网,从 而对整个影像书写的实践和理论起到双重的指导意义。
[Abstract]:With the advent of "Image Age", the birth and rapid spread of images, writing as the flagship of the times can not be ignored and indifferent. On the contrary, it regards the needs of this era as the driving force and opportunity for its own progress. The image is becoming the expression of the new era of human beings in the trend of irresistible. The text which has always dominated the media world also has to make room for it, writing is no longer the only carrier of writing. However, so far, the study of the phenomenon of image writing is mostly from linguistics. The angle of culturology, such as film semiotics, image culture research and so on, but the creation principle of image writing itself is lack of in-depth research. And the previous creative theory is also a summary of experience, showing a scattered. This paper creatively applies the first thinking principle of generalized writing thinking principle to the field of image writing, and goes deep into the inner layer and bottom of creative activity thinking. Explore the internal thinking mechanism, creative law and thinking characteristics of image writing. This paper begins with the definition of the concept of image writing and the definition of the object of study. Image writing is put forward under the concept of generalized writing. The broad sense of writing refers to "all activities and behaviors of human spiritual production". Image writing is the creative activity of video text based on continuous video and audiovisual language. Image writing includes external creative behavior and internal thinking behavior. The study of this paper focuses on the internal thinking activities of image writing. Chapter two, on the basis of deep reflection on the basic structure principle of image writing-montage theory. The author finds that montage theory only stays on the surface structure of thinking activity, and its deep internal thinking mechanism is shaped thinking. This paper gives a brief introduction and analysis of the connotation of repetition and contrast and its application in image writing. The theoretical analysis of the previous chapter, the third chapter from the vertical and horizontal direction through the case study of formative thinking Vertically, from the basic structural unit of the image text-sentence, The generation of paragraphs and texts is analyzed in detail; horizontally, from the elements of the image text-sound And the structure of the picture unit to investigate the specific application of formative thinking. Chapter 4th is from the media of expression, creation This paper studies the characteristics of the shape thinking of the image writing from two aspects of the subject, and obtains the shape thinking of the image writing. Two of the most prominent features are multi-media and multi-subjectivity. Through the above research, we find that the highly unified formative thinking with philosophical and operational characteristics is not It's just the underlying thinking nature of montage, and it's the sentence, paragraph that runs through the image text. The basic thinking Operation Model and the Sound and Picture in the process of generating three structural Units in the text The principle of interaction. Moreover, formative thinking integrates multiple subjects of image writing from a higher level Based on the theory of creation, the author sets up a formative thinking network with the director as the center and all the creative subjects together fractal. And to the whole image writing practice and theory play a dual guiding significance.


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