本文关键词: 文艺消费 审美 文化 主体 客体 文艺生态 现代性 出处:《四川大学》2005年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:“文艺消费”问题是当代文艺学无法回避的一个重要问题,对之进行基础学理的研究颇为必要。本文认为,对于文艺消费应持一种平和的、历史的、辩证的、建设性的“致思”态度,将它理解为众多复杂因素交相作用的共时性的复杂系统和动态展开的历史变化过程,以一种冷静的、分析性的学理研究态度,一种开放的、建设性的胸怀对待之。文艺消费不单纯是一个文艺学问题,客观上要求综合运用文艺学、美学、经济学、文化学、心理学、社会学、生态学等多种学科的理论和知识进行跨学科的综合性研究。对于文艺消费,不能在传统文艺创作——欣赏学的单一的平面和参照系统中对之做简单化的处理,而应进行综合化的整体性的研究,较之文艺欣赏,文艺消费显示了一种,也需要一种更为广延的视野和思考。在这方面,在国内外当代的文化社会学、大众文化研究、文化经济学、生态批评、文化传播学等中盛行的整体性的研究范式不无积极意义。哲学和科学发展史上的“整体论”的方法论成果也提供了可资借鉴的方法论武器。鉴于近代以来的分析性的思维方法使细部异常清晰,但整体支离破碎的弊端,有机论、结构主义、系统论、布迪厄(Pierre Bourdieu)的“场域”理论、建设性的后现代主义生态学等转向和推崇一种整体论方法论。今日的文艺消费研究也应转换思路,以整体论的方法包容和超越近代以来的分析方法,以整体有机论取代机械还原论,以揭橥文艺消费问题的玄奥。 论文第一章通过将文艺消费与商品消费、文化消费、文化产业、文艺欣赏、文艺接受、文艺阅读、文艺收藏等进行比较,对文艺消费进行了界说,指出消费是一个远远大于物质消费、商品消费的范畴。文艺消费是一个含义复杂的术
[Abstract]:The question of "consumption of literature and art" is an important issue which cannot be evaded in contemporary literature and art, and it is necessary to study it on the basis of theory. This paper holds that the consumption of literature and art should be peaceful, historical and dialectical. A constructive attitude of "thinking", which is understood as a synchronic complex system that interacts with many complex factors and a dynamic process of historical change, with a calm, analytical approach to theoretical research, an open, The consumption of literature and art is not simply a question of literature and art, but objectively requires the comprehensive use of literature and art, aesthetics, economics, cultural studies, psychology, sociology, The theory and knowledge of ecology and other disciplines are studied in an interdisciplinary and comprehensive way. As for literature and art consumption, it cannot be simplified in the single plane and reference system of traditional literary and artistic creation and appreciation. A comprehensive and holistic study should be carried out. Compared with the appreciation of literature and art, literature and art consumption shows a kind of, but also needs a more extensive vision and thinking. In this respect, contemporary cultural sociology and mass culture research at home and abroad, Cultural economics, ecological criticism, The holistic research paradigm prevailing in the field of cultural communication is not without positive significance. The methodological achievements of "holism" in the history of philosophy and science development also provide a methodological weapon for reference. In view of the analysis since modern times, The sexual way of thinking makes the details very clear, But the whole fragmented malpractice, organic theory, structuralism, system theory, Bourdieu's "field" theory, The constructive postmodernism ecology and so on turn to and extol a kind of holism methodology. Today's literature and art consumption research should also change the way of thinking, contain and surpass the analysis method since modern times with the holistic method. To replace the mechanical reductionism with the whole organic theory, in order to reveal the mystery of literature and art consumption problem. The first chapter defines the consumption of literature and art by comparing literature and art consumption with commodity consumption, cultural consumption, cultural industry, literature and art appreciation, literary acceptance, literature and art reading, literature and art collection, etc. It is pointed out that consumption is a category far greater than material consumption and commodity consumption. Art consumption is a complicated technique
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