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发布时间:2018-03-07 16:40

  本文选题:接受美学 切入点:视野 出处:《山东大学》2005年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:接受美学是一个重要的美学的流派,继以作家、作品为中心的文艺研究理论之后,它将关注的目光集中于读者这一重要因素之上,开创了文艺研究的新一维因素。本文通过对接受美学理论地简要研究与阐发,开掘这一理论的现实价值,分析接受美学在文艺解读中的重要意义,以指导当代的创作与欣赏。 本文共分为三章。第一章简单地回顾一下接受美学的产生与发展过程,分析接受美学与文艺解读的关系。接受美学是在本文中心论的研究模式落入形式主义的、自我封闭的怪圈后所进行的突破。它推崇读者这一原来一直被忽略的因素,重视读者在文艺活动中的地位;注意研究读者的审美经验及其他基本条件:接受美学还十分关注文学史的研究,提出了接受的文学史观。接受美学对于读者的推崇,对读者审美经验的重视,与文艺解读中充分发挥读者主动性的追求是一致的,对读者的文艺解读起到了积极的指导意义。 第二章是本文的核心,重点分析接受美学视野中文艺解读的方式。围绕此问题,本文根据文艺解读中介的不同分别对文字解读与图像解读进行了探讨与分析。文字解读的方式是一种传统的接受手段,凭借文字手段,作家可以以显性或隐性的手段传达自己对于社会和生活的理解与认识,读者可以对作家与作品进行解读与接受。在阅读的过程中,读者的理解与作者的原意可能是相重合的,但在更多的情况下却往往是有着差距的。重合的情况可称之为“正解”,不相符的情况则称为“曲解”,或称“误读”。“误读”的现象在文学的解读中是常见的,而且也是我们积极提倡的。读者的理解与作者的原意不相符的情况的出现,其原因是多种多样的,如作品客观的多义性、读者主观经验的差异性、时代价值观的不同都可能导致“误读”现象的发生。这种对作品的“曲解”,可以完善与丰富作品的潜在信息和审美意蕴;增益作品的再生力,使作品的生命得以生生不息;完善与培育接受者的审美智能结构,因而是积极有益的。但同时,这种“误读”也很容易陷入到作品价值的虚无状态,事实上我们同样也不能排除意义的相对确定值的存在。 山东大学硕士学位论文 绝不可以任意超越文本提供的信息,淇视文本对接受者的制约,使阅读成为绝对 自由的接受活动。图像解读的方式是随着科技的发展而产生的,它有着与文字解 读截然不同的特点,影视艺术的特征主要是通过图像和音响来创造艺术形象,而 文学艺术的特征主要是通过文学话语来进行形象描绘,两者审美特征的差异导致 艺术表现方式的差异。这就促使影视导演在解读文学作品时,主要从文本的文学 话语里寻找最富于影视艺术表现力的视觉、听觉内容,再通过神奇莫测的影视摄 像镜头,对文学本文的审美意蕴进行图像性扫描和阐释,最终使图像映现出来的 艺术内容具体明晰化。影视艺术的解读方式虽然具有文字解读无法匹敌的优势, 但是这种方式也具有其致命的弱点.首先,由于影视艺术受图像性、直观性的表 现手法的局限,使其在处理有些含蓄而内涵丰富的作品时,显得力不从心。其次, 图像的直观性消解了文本中那些可·以引起受众思考与想象的“空白”.这也是影视 艺术在其发展中需要注愈的事项。 第三章是对接受美学的历史性反思。接受美学,’偏向性”地从读者的视角来 探讨文论体系内部各要素的关系,它对作家、作品以及社会环境等要素研究不够, 尚未形成一个比较系统的学科型的理论框架.从总体上说,接受美学如同20世纪 其他美学思潮一样,回避美的本质、艺术的本质等根本问题,而将重心放在艺术 的具体接受过程特征和心理形态的揭示,同时接受美学的开山纲领,姚斯的《文 学史作为向文学理论的挑战》尽管强调了文学活动总体性过程,但其具体论述中 还是偏重于研究读者接受过程,而较少论及作品本文的形式和意义以及作家创造 活动及其主导地位,给人一种忽略文学创作和作品本体研究的印象.当然,接受 美学家们也意识到了这种局限并进行了改造和补充。鉴于接受美学的积极意义和 局限,在运用接受美学对文学、美学现象、作品进行理解、诊释、接受时,决不 能仅仅从读者这一维因素出发,而应辩证的、全面地、历史的、发展的去看待他 们,只有这样才能较准确、较科学、较适应现实的去把握我们的客体对象。在文 艺解读的过程中,我们也应全面、动态的去理解文艺作品. 关键词:接受美学;视野;文学解读
[Abstract]:The aesthetics of reception aesthetics is an important genre, followed by writer, after the theory of literature and art research works as the center, it will pay more attention to the readers of this important factor, creating a new one-dimensional factor. Based on the study of literature and art acceptance and interpretation briefly study the aesthetic theory, the practical value of digging the theory analysis, accepted significance of aesthetics in literary interpretation, in order to guide the contemporary creation and appreciation.
This paper is divided into three chapters. The first chapter is a brief review for the birth and development of aesthetics, aesthetics of reception and analysis of the relationship between literary interpretation. Reception aesthetics into formalism in the research center of the model in this paper, the self closed cycle after the breakthrough. It has been the original worship of readers ignore factors, status of readers in literary activities; pay attention to the research of aesthetic experience of readers and other basic conditions: the study also very concerned about the history of literature aesthetics, the accepted history of literature. The highly praise of readers reception aesthetics to readers, aesthetic experience and literary value, and give full play to the initiative of readers the pursuit is the same, the interpretation of the reader plays a positive guiding significance.
The second chapter is the core of this paper, focuses on the interpretation of literary aesthetics in the perspective of acceptance. Around this problem, according to the interpretation of the different intermediary respectively on text interpretation and image interpretation are discussed and analyzed. The text interpretation is a traditional means of accepting, by means of the characters, the writer can be explicit or implicit the means to convey their thoughts and understanding of society and life, readers can understand and accept the writer and works. In the process of reading, readers' understanding and the author's intention may be coincident, but in more cases often there is disparity. The condition can be called "solve", does not match the situation is called "twist", or "Misreading". "Misreading" is a common phenomenon in the understanding of literature, but also we actively advocated. The reader's understanding and The author is not intended by the situation, the reason is various, such as works of objective ambiguity, differences in the subjective experience of readers, the times of different values may cause a "Misreading" phenomenon. This works on the "twist", can improve the potential information with the abundant works and aesthetic implication regeneration; gain works, make the life of the works to improve the aesthetic structure and intelligent life and growth in nature; cultivate the recipient, it is positive and helpful. But at the same time, this "Misreading" is also very easy to fall into the value of works without virtual state, to determine the relative values in the presence of the fact that we also cannot rule out the significance.
Master's degree thesis of Shandong University
In no way can we transcend the information provided by the text, and Qi considers the restriction of the text to the recipient, making the reading absolute
Free acceptance. The way of image interpretation is produced with the development of science and technology.
The feature of the film art is to create an artistic image mainly through the image and sound.
The main features of literature and art are the image depiction through literary discourse, which leads to the difference of aesthetic characteristics between the two.
The difference in the way of artistic expression makes the film director mainly from the text of literature when reading the literary works.
The words are looking for the most expressive vision, the content of the audiovisual art, and the unfathomable film and television photography.
Like a lens, image scanning and interpretation of the aesthetic connotation of literature, the image reflected
The artistic content is clear and clear. The reading way of film and television art has the advantage of the unmatched text interpretation.
But this way also has its fatal weakness. First, because film and television art is visualized and intuitive
The limitations of the present techniques make it difficult to deal with some subtle and rich works. Secondly,
The intuition of the image dispels the "blank" in the text that can cause the audience to think and think. It is also a film and television.
Art needs to be recovered in its development.
The third chapter is a historical reflection on reception aesthetics. Accepting aesthetics and 'bias' from the reader's perspective
The relationship between the elements of the system of literary theory is discussed, and it is not enough to study the elements of writers, works and social environment.
The theoretical framework of a relatively systematic discipline has not yet been formed. Generally speaking, the reception of aesthetics is like twentieth Century
Like other aesthetic thoughts, the essence of beauty and the essence of art are avoided, and the focus is on art.
The characteristics of the specific acceptance process and the revelation of the psychological form, and the open mountain programme of aesthetics, Yao's <
The history of learning is a challenge to literary theory, although it emphasizes the overall process of literary activity, but in its specific discussion
It is more important to study the process of readers' acceptance, but less on the form and meaning of the work and the creation of the writer.
Activity and its dominant position give the impression of neglecting literary creation and the study of the noumenon of the works.
The aestheologists are also aware of the limitations and are reformed and supplemented. In view of the positive significance of reception aesthetics and
Limitations, in the use of aesthetics of acceptance of literature, aesthetic phenomena, works to understand, interpretation, acceptance, never
It can be viewed only from the reader's one dimension, and should be viewed dialectically, comprehensively, historically, and developed.
Only in this way can we be more accurate, more scientific, and more adaptable to the object of our object.
In the process of art interpretation, we should also fully and dynamically understand literary and artistic works.
Key words: Reception Aesthetics; visual field; literary interpretation



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