本文选题:冯梦龙 切入点:情教观 出处:《陕西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2010年02期
[Abstract]:Feng Menglong's thought of "emotion education" has its special context.In seeking the universal humanistic care for saving the world, Feng Menglong did not agree with the "heretical study" of "seeking cleanliness from widowhood", nor with Song Ming's ethical practice view of "doing things from reason" and "reason as the norm of emotion" in the ideological trend of Neo-Confucianism of Song Ming.At the same time, it also negates the lack of understanding of the imperfect state of "emotion" in the cultural trend of thought of "main emotion".In Feng Menglong's view, "born in love", "emotion is the dimension of reason", only with "emotion" as the basis, carefully treat others "feeling", "feeling", "reason" compatible, can ultimately realize the humanistic care of saving the world.From the pre-Qin to the late Ming Dynasty, the cognitive development of the relationship between "reason" and "reason" shows that Feng Menglong's thought construction of "emotion education" not only embodies the continuation of the cultural spirit of "emotion" which has long been cut off, but also corrects the ethical practice view of "reason as the norm of emotion".The positive correction to the development of "emotion" indicates that the cognition of the relationship between "emotion" and "reason", which has been divided for a long time since the Qin and Han dynasties, shows signs of fusion in the new era.
【作者单位】: 陕西师范大学文学院;
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