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发布时间:2018-04-09 11:48

  本文选题:诗书画一体 切入点:成因 出处:《东南大学》2005年硕士论文

【摘要】: 诗歌、书法对绘画的融入是中国绘画特有的一种现象,它集几种艺术形式于一体,体现了中国艺术的民族特点。本文侧重系统分析与历史分析方法的诗书画一体艺术的理论研究,从艺术学、哲学、社会历史、美学的背景上,对诗书画一体艺术的成因、形成过程及美学特色进行探讨。文章认为,诗书画一体艺术的形成有着深厚的基础,书画的同源关系及其在线条表现、笔墨技法和物质材料等创作上的共性是书法得以融入绘画的重要原因,诗画在表现对象及审美追求上的共同点是诗歌融入绘画的基础,中国民族思维方式、传统哲学思想观念以及古代社会教育考试等制度的特点也为诗书画融合准备了主体条件;诗书画一体艺术是经历了实践上的自发融合、理论倡导下的自觉融合和普及发展等几个阶段,绘画理论与实践的相互影响无疑是推动其不断发展的动力;从诗歌、书法融入绘画给融合体带来的影响看,不仅其审美空间和主题表现等内在因素得到了拓展与深化,而且画面的疏密、繁简、平衡等也有了更灵活的构图手段。 文章系统地研究了诗书画一体的艺术现象,这不仅有助于深入理解与继承发展中国画艺术,有助于对诗书画一体艺术的理论探讨,而且对诗书画一体艺术的进一步研究具有借鉴意义。
[Abstract]:The integration of poetry and calligraphy into painting is a unique phenomenon in Chinese painting. It combines several artistic forms and embodies the national characteristics of Chinese art.This paper focuses on the theoretical study of the one-body art of poetry, calligraphy and painting by systematic analysis and historical analysis. From the background of art, philosophy, social history and aesthetics, this paper probes into the causes, forming process and aesthetic characteristics of the one-body art of poetry, calligraphy and painting.The article holds that the formation of the one-body art of poetry, calligraphy and painting has a deep foundation, and the homology of calligraphy and painting and its generality in the creation of lines, strokes and ink techniques and material materials are the important reasons for calligraphy to be integrated into painting.The common features of poetry and painting in the object of expression and aesthetic pursuit are the basis of poetry integration into painting. The characteristics of Chinese national thinking mode, traditional philosophical ideas and the ancient social education examination system also prepare the main conditions for the integration of poetry, calligraphy and painting.The art of one body of poetry, calligraphy and painting has gone through several stages, such as spontaneous integration in practice, conscious integration and popularization and development advocated by theory. The interaction between painting theory and practice is undoubtedly the driving force to promote its continuous development.The influence of calligraphy on painting has not only expanded and deepened the internal factors such as aesthetic space and theme expression, but also has a more flexible composition means of picture density, complexity, balance and so on.The article systematically studies the artistic phenomenon of the integration of poetry, calligraphy and painting, which is not only helpful to deeply understand and develop the art of Chinese painting, but also helpful to the theoretical discussion of the one-body art of poetry, calligraphy and painting.Moreover, the further research on the art of poetry, calligraphy and painting has reference significance.


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