本文选题:互文性理论 切入点:互文符号 出处:《哈尔滨师范大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:互文性理论自提出后的四十多年里获得了广泛的应用和多方面的发展,它已不仅仅是文学理论研究的产物,而且逐步渗入到语言学、美学、心理学等诸多人文学科中,从一个全新的视角来解释相关问题。尤其是在近十年间,在我国学术界掀起了一股研究“互文性”的热潮,翻译研究领域讨论的尤为热烈,互文性理论为翻译研究提供了一个独到契合的视域,互文性翻译已经成为翻译研究的热点。 毛泽东作为一位出色的诗人,他开拓了不仅以中国传统哲学而且以马克思主义哲学为其诗词哲学的先河。他的诗词既体现了格律诗之美,又溶入了时代的气息,是他留给我们的一笔财富.迄今为止,由于毛泽东的个人魅力和深远影响,诗词已经被译成多种文字,在海外广为流传。因此毛泽东诗词英译研究就变得十分重要,如何在英译时既体现出毛泽东诗词在形式,风格语言,韵律上的美感,又能使目标读者接受,成为英译时的难点。在过去的几十年里,虽然有很多的官方译本,但是这些译本仅仅局限于对毛泽东诗词本身的翻译,而鲜有运用翻译理论对毛诗英译时的方法、原则、策略进行解读。 本课题将从一个全新的角度——互文性,对毛诗的英译本进行分析。因为互文理论开放性、动态性的特点,而且毛泽东诗词本身就是一个很好的互文文本,拥有丰富的互文符号,所以该课题对互文性理论在翻译中的应用及毛泽东诗词英译研究具有很大的实践意义和学术意义。
[Abstract]:The theory of intertextuality has been widely applied and developed in more than 40 years since it was put forward. It is not only the product of the study of literary theory, but also gradually infiltrated into many humanities disciplines, such as linguistics, aesthetics, psychology and so on.Explain the relevant issues from a new perspective.Especially in the past ten years, there has been an upsurge in the study of "intertextuality" in Chinese academic circles, especially in the field of translation studies. Intertextuality theory provides a unique perspective for translation studies.Intertextual translation has become a hot topic in translation studies.Mao Zedong, as an outstanding poet, pioneered not only Chinese traditional philosophy but also Marxist philosophy.His poems not only embody the beauty of rhymes, but also blend into the breath of the times.So far, because of Mao Zedong's personal charm and profound influence, poetry has been translated into many languages and widely circulated overseas.Therefore, it is very important to study the translation of Mao Zedong's poems into English. How to embody the aesthetic sense of Mao Zedong's poetry in form, style, language and prosody, as well as to make the target readers accept it, has become a difficult point in English translation.In the past few decades, although there have been many official translations, these translations have been limited to the translation of Mao Zedong's poems, and few translation theories have been used to interpret the methods, principles and strategies of Mao's poetry translation.This thesis will analyze the English translation of Mao's poems from a new angle-intertextuality.Because the intertextuality theory is open and dynamic, and Mao Zedong's poetry is a good intertextuality text, it has abundant intertextuality symbols.Therefore, this topic has great practical and academic significance for the application of intertextuality theory in translation and the study of Mao Zedong's poetry translation.
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