本文选题:文学 + 翻译 ; 参考:《中国人民解放军外国语学院》2005年硕士论文
【摘要】:文化是语言赖以存在的土壤,也是语言所反映的对象,翻译中最大的困难就是两种文化的不同。译者在翻译时,由于主客观等方面的原因,对于原作中那些应该处理的文化信息没有处理或处理不当,以至于译语读者产生不解或误解的译文就称为文化误译。 指出文学作品中的文化误译是一件积极而又非常有意义的工作。从实践上看,它对于提高译本质量乃至提高当前文学翻译水平起着不容忽视的作用;从理论上讲,分析译本中的文化误译属于翻译批评的范畴。遗憾的是,国内对文化误译的研究却很不充分。虽然部分翻译工作者在报刊杂志上刊登了一些评判译本质量的文章,出版了某些专著,但“‘锦上添花’的多,‘雪中送炭’的少,佳译赏析的多,误译分析的少”(周仪,罗平,1999:165),尤其是对俄罗斯文学作品汉译本中的文化误译情形更是鲜有论及。本文从大量语料的实证分析出发,以归纳描写为主,并结合演绎的方法,对俄罗斯古典文学汉译本及中国现代文学作品俄译本中的文化误译现象,进行了比较全面的分析。 本文分绪论、正文和结束语三大部分。 绪论部分首先把文化分为物质文化、行为文化和意识文化,然后扼要介绍了翻译的标准问题。我们认为,尽管译者所提出的翻译标准多种多样,但他们都认为译作应忠实于原作,不能误译、乱译;译作应面向译语读者的理解能力,不能让译语读者困惑不解。绪论部分还
[Abstract]:Culture is not only the soil on which language exists, but also the object reflected by language. The biggest difficulty in translation is the difference between the two cultures. In translation, due to subjective and objective reasons, the cultural information that should be dealt with in the original works is not handled or handled inappropriately, so that the target text which the target readers do not understand or misunderstand is called cultural misinterpretation. It is pointed out that cultural mistranslation in literary works is an active and very meaningful work. In practice, it plays an important role in improving the quality of translation and improving the current level of literary translation. Theoretically, the analysis of cultural mistranslation in the translation belongs to the category of translation criticism. Unfortunately, domestic research on cultural mistranslation is inadequate. Although some translators have published articles in newspapers and magazines that judge the quality of translations and published some monographs, "the number of" adding flowers to the cake "is less, the appreciation of better translation is more, and the analysis of translation by mistake is less" (Zhou Yi, Luo Ping, 1999: 165, especially on the Chinese translation of Russian literature in the situation of cultural error is rarely discussed. This paper, based on the empirical analysis of a large number of corpus, takes inductive description as the main part, and combines the deductive method to analyze the phenomenon of cultural mistranslation in the Chinese version of Russian classical literature and the Russian translation of modern Chinese literary works. This paper is divided into three parts: introduction, text and conclusion. In the introduction, culture is divided into material culture, behavioral culture and conscious culture, and then the standard of translation is briefly introduced. We believe that, despite the diversity of translation criteria proposed by translators, they all believe that the translated text should be faithful to the original work, not be misinterpreted, and that the target text should be oriented towards the reader's comprehension and should not be confusing to the target language reader. Introduction part also
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