本文选题:艺术形象域 + 异同循环 ; 参考:《福建师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2010年01期
[Abstract]:This paper applies the methods of systematic cybernetics and text analysis to the realistic painting after the separation of the rational kingdoms of neoclassicism in the 19th century. In the paintings of Impressionism (including Neo-Impressionism) and Post-Impressionism (from Cezanne's modernism), the historical order of the law of circular creation in the domain of artistic image is combed and expounded. Taking the intervention of photography as the external factor which affects the art creation subject to the artistic image domain, this paper discusses the order reconstruction of the circular creation law of the art creation image domain. With this idea, we can grasp the value of the intervention and reflection on Chinese contemporary art, The value of the circular creation law of similarities and differences in the domain of artistic image is reflected in the "release" of the image, which provides an infinite opportunity for the development of the Noumenon of the artistic image domain. The constant exploration and study of the cycle of creation of "image" provides supporting facts and theories for the perfection of art history. The order construction of the circular creation law in art image domain provides the basis for the development of the whole human art culture. The "artistic image domain" discussed in this paper refers to the sum of the image carriers supporting the creative ideas in the works of various styles and schools after the 19th century neoclassicism art division was discussed in this paper.
【作者单位】: 福建教育学院艺术系;
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