发布时间:2018-05-10 12:33
本文选题:文学梦 + 审美潜质 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2004年博士论文
【摘要】:本文从梳理人类对日常梦的认识阶段也即关于梦的观念历程入手,进而总结了日常梦的审美潜质,探讨了从日常梦到文学梦的过渡方式即日常梦的符号化原则,进而概括了文学梦的表现特征、怪诞特征、真实特征,发掘了文学梦的文学价值。由此可以看出,文学梦是一种具有奇异表现形式和独特表达功能的“有意味的形式”,具有作为相对独立的审美对象的艺术品格。本文主要对文学梦进行审美分析。 本文第一章梳理了人类关于梦的四个认识阶段。在蒙昧时期,人们尚不能将梦与日常生活区分开来,梦是与日常生活纠缠在一起的混沌的梦。在这种观念的基础上,受神灵观的影响,人类发展出关于梦的神秘观念,认为梦具有预兆的功能。但随着人类认识和实践能力的发展,人们逐渐认识到梦不过是人的正常的心理一精神活动,人们不仅对梦进行各种富有理性的解释,而且在文学作品中也记录和创造了大量的梦。近现代以来,人们对梦的认识达到前所未有的高度。人们用科学的眼光、科学的方法探索梦的奥秘,其中最有影响力的是精神分析学派的弗洛伊德和荣格。 第二章探讨梦的审美潜质。梦把人的各种情感愿望、心理生理刺激乃至某些抽象的认识转化为具体可感的意象及其活动在大脑中呈现出来,而且这种意象及其活动还往往伴随着真实的感受和情感体验。梦是梦象的不自觉的呈现,梦象及其活动又常常违背现实的原则和物理的规律,表现出非逻辑性。在清醒的意识看来,梦既表现出自由性,也表现出怪诞性来。千百年来人们用各种方法阐释梦意。中国古代的占梦、弗洛伊德的释梦和荣格的释梦是三种颇有影响的把握梦意的方式。中国古代的占梦方法主要有直解、转释(包括象征、连类、类比、破译、解字、谐音等)、反说等三类八种方法。弗洛伊德认为众多的梦象是两性的象征。荣格主要从集体无意识和原型理论方面来阐释梦的意义。原型常在梦中以各种变体出现。荣格还认为梦有一定的智慧,它常常是集体无意识对人发挥“指导”作用的表现。梦的意义的建构使梦成为有表现内容的形式。梦的意象化表现方式、非理性的自由形态、梦的意义的建构等因素构成梦境的审美潜质。 第三章归纳梦的符号化原则。人们对于梦的叙述总是出于一定的目的。这些目 馨蕊黑赢- 的主要出于现实与预测的需要、分析与宣泄的需要、表达与欣赏的需要等。由于日 常梦是非理性的,而任何对梦的叙述都是一种利用符号表达意义的过程,因而在叙 述中,叙述者就遵循着意义原则和逻辑原则;又因为日常梦是意象化的,叙述中, 在将这种梦境中的意象转换成语码时,就要遵循特征原则和强度原则。日常梦一旦 经过叙述就被符号化,也就被定格下来。这为文学作品弓{进和创造梦提供了最基本 的蓝本。 第四章总结文学梦的基本特征。文学梦具有理性、虚拟性、“神性”等基本特征。 文学梦是理性的,它是理性活动的结果,其意义要在语境(语境是理性创造的时空) 中生成,因此,叙述者的叙述就要干预梦境的建构。文学梦是一个虚拟的世界。这 种虚拟世界较之现实世界来说,具有更大的领域和更多的自由。文学梦与现实情节 (内容)构成三种主要的关系:现实情节(内容)的真实性否定文学梦的真实性; 文学梦的真实性否定现实的真实性;文学梦与现实情节(内容)相互渗透。文学梦 常常具有“神性”的特征,这体现在梦境的神奇变幻与神话相似,梦与神话也常常 纠结在一起。我们可以说,,文学梦是一种以大胆虚拟的方式进行的自由自觉的超越。 第五章阐述文学梦的怪诞性。怪诞的内涵可以大约表述为,怪诞是以非理性为 其思维特征,以反常变异为其表现手法,以制造怪异.惊讶的审美效果为目的。文学 梦的怪诞形式主要有:变形与变性,无理与突变,时空变异等。怪诞的审美价值, 一是满足创设真实梦境的需要,二是满足梦境情节发展的需要,三是满足人们追求 惊奇效果的需要。这些变异的怪诞的情境与事物,使梦境超越了现实,接近了“神 性”,具有了自由创造的特性。 第六章阐述文学梦真实性。首先,文学梦的真实性表现在叙述的真实上。这主 要有:文学梦与现实情节(内容)的界限相互渗透;文学梦的引发因素存在于现实 中;文学梦的叙述者用以假当真的态度和口吻进行叙述。其次,文学梦的真实性还 表现在文学梦的影响效果是确凿真实的。这主要有:梦的预兆在生活中得到应验; 梦的证据在现实中是确凿的;梦者的情感体验是真实的。第三,文学梦的真实性还 表现在文学梦细节的真实上。真实的细节(即日常的细节)对梦的怪诞具有否定的 作用。因此,文学梦又往往成为怪诞与真实的统一体。 第七章概括文学梦的文学功能。基于上述各种特性,文学梦在叙述上就具有了 。11 篡蕊蒜器赢。 比较独特的文学功能。这些功能可以分为表现与结构两个方面。表现方面,文学梦 的功能主要有:展开心灵,表现深层情意;以此言彼,意义指向梦外;变幻视角, 创造陌生对象,等。结构方面,文学梦的功能主要有:未卜先知,推动情节发展; 虚实相渗,构建广延时空;间隔情节,形成叙述节奏,等。这两个方面又往往是统 一的。 ·梦是意象性的、情感性的、想象性的,因而也是诗性的。梦还可能以抽象的符 号形
[Abstract]:This paper begins with the discussion of the cognition stage of the daily dream , that is , the conception course of the dream , then summarizes the aesthetic potential of the daily dream , discusses the symbolic principle of the daily dream from the daily dream to the literary dream , and then summarizes the literary value of the literary dream . It can be seen that the literary dream is a " meaningful form " with singular expression and unique expression function , and has the artistic character as a relatively independent aesthetic object . This article mainly analyzes the aesthetic appreciation of literary dream .
The first chapter combs the four cognitive stages of human ' s dream . In the period of ignorance , people can not distinguish the dream from the daily life , and dream is the dream of chaos with daily life . But with the development of human understanding and practical ability , people gradually realize that the dream has the premonitory function . But with the development of human understanding and practical ability , people have gradually realized that the dream has the premonitory function .
In the second chapter , we explore the aesthetic potential of the dream . The dream has translated into three kinds of eight methods , such as the desire of emotion , psychological stimulation and some abstract knowledge , and it is often accompanied by the realistic feeling and the emotion experience . The dream is the symbol of the dream .
Chapter Three induces the symbolic principle of the dream . It is always for some purpose for the description of the dream .
sweet heart black win -
It is mainly due to the needs of reality and forecast , the needs of analyzing and releasing , the need of expression and appreciation , etc .
A common dream is irrational , and any description of a dream is a process that makes use of the meaning of symbolic expression , so it is
In the description , the narrators follow the principles of meaning and logic , and because the daily dreams are imagery ,
When converting images in this dream into a language code , we must abide by the principles of characteristic and strength . Once a day ' s dream ,
It is symbolized by the description , and is set down . This provides the most basic for the bow of literary works and the creation of a dream .
The blue book .
Chapter four summarizes the basic features of literary dream . The literary dream has the basic characteristics of reason , virtual nature and " divine nature " .
The literary dream is rational , it is the result of rational activity , its meaning is to be in the context ( the context is rational creation time and space )
Therefore , the narrative of the narrative is about to interfere with the construction of dreams . The literary dream is a virtual world .
The virtual world has more fields and more freedom than the real world .
There are three main relationships : the reality plot ( content ) ' s authenticity negative the authenticity of the literary dream ;
The authenticity of literary dream negative reality ; literary dream and realistic plot ( content ) penetrate each other . literary dream
It is often characterized by " divine nature " , which is embodied in the magic of dreams and the similarities between mythology , dream and mythology often
We can say that the dream of literature is a free and self - conscious transcendent in a bold and virtual way .
The fifth chapter expounds the absurd nature of the literary dream .
Its characteristic of thinking , characterized by abnormal variation as its expression , in order to make strange . Surprisingly , the aesthetic effect is the purpose . Literature
The fantastic form of the dream mainly includes : deformation and degeneration , unreasonable and mutation , space - time variation , etc . , the absurd aesthetic value ,
The first is to meet the needs of the creation of true dreams , the second is to meet the needs of the development of the dreamland plot , and the third is to satisfy people ' s pursuit
What ' s the need for surprise . These weird situations and things make dreams go beyond the reality and get closer to God . Nature , has the characteristics of free creation .
Chapter 6 expounds the authenticity of the literary dream . First , the authenticity of the literary dream is represented in the truth of the narrative .
There are : the boundary between literary dream and realistic plot ( content ) ; the trigger factor of literary dream exists in reality
The narrative of a literary dream is used to account for a true attitude and a kiss . Secondly , the authenticity of the literary dream also
It is true that the effect of the literary dream is true . This is mainly that the premonitory of the dream is fulfilled in life ;
The evidence of a dream is true in reality ; the emotional experience of a dream is true . Third , the authenticity of the literary dream also
To be true in the details of a literary dream . True details ( i.e . , daily details ) have a negative effect on a dream .
Therefore , the literary dream often becomes the unity of the absurd and the true .
Chapter 7 summarizes the literary function of the literary dream . Based on the above - mentioned characteristics , the literary dream has been described in the narrative .
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win the garlic with a pistil .
Compared with the unique literary function , these functions can be divided into two aspects : representation and structure .
The main function is to expand the mind and express deep feelings ; in this way , the meaning points to the dream outside ; the changing angle of view ,
To create strange objects , etc . In terms of structure , the function of the literary dream mainly includes : the prophet , the promotion of the plot development ;
Deficiency and solid phase infiltration , construction of wide - delay space , interval plot , formation of narrative rhythm , etc . These two aspects are often orthodox
One .
A dream is imagery , emotional , sexually , and therefore poetic . A dream may also be abstract .
No .
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2 孙惠欣;;虚实相渗,构建广延时空——以朝鲜朝梦游录小说为中心[J];东疆学刊;2011年03期
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