本文选题:艺术 + 艺术人类学 ; 参考:《中央民族大学》2004年硕士论文
【摘要】: 本文通过梳理艺术人类学的理论方法发展的历史,旨在介绍艺术研究中人类学独特的视角,以求弥补这方面资料的匮乏。 本文由六个部分构成:前言介绍了选题初衷及意义。第一章关于对艺术的普遍性理解以及人类学视野下的艺术。第二章探讨了二战进化论学派和历史特殊论学派的艺术人类学研究,这一时期主要关注艺术的起源、风格形式的分布和演变,侧重对艺术的物质性存在、艺术的技术和技巧。第三章详细介绍了二战后艺术人类学研究理论和方法的两种重要途径:功能主义和结构主义,功能主义和结构主义理论方法的引入,,不仅为艺术人类学的研究提供了新的研究范式,而且在这种转型中的议程跳跃更加丰富了学科研究的内容,并从对艺术品本身的关注拓展到将艺术理解为一种动态的行为过程,其中包括了与之相关的观念、生产行为和受众的回馈等维度;把艺术理解为一种行为,也使得在哈登和博厄斯时期由于对艺术领域专业知识的生疏而停步不前的人类学家投入这一领域更多的关怀,从而推动了艺术人类学的蓬勃发展及其和学科主体之间的交流对话。第四章是解释人类学对艺术的阐释和80年代以来的反思:60、70年代解释人类学的出现,学科主体从力求科学式的“客观”研究转向对象征体系的“主观阐释性”的研究,本身就是一种艺术性的转变。解释人类学从日常生活的游戏、国家的政治象征中找寻戏剧的直接展演或隐喻,探寻社会生活的符号意蕴;80年代的艺术人类学在反思“深描”艺术的阐释民族志的基础上,重新审视艺术与人类学之间的关系,以此为发展艺术人 类学的途径。第五章简要介绍了艺术人类学中的核心议题,艺术家身 份角色、艺术品的收藏以及近年来一些新的发展趋势,例如在生物科 技不断发展的现下语境中探讨艺术的生物性;用女性主义来研究视觉 艺术的功能和意义;将艺术视为族群间进行相互认同或隔离的文化资 源,即将艺术视为身份诉求的途径之一。第六章是对全文的总结。
[Abstract]:By combing the history of the development of the theory and method of art anthropology, this paper aims to introduce the unique perspective of anthropology in art research in order to make up for the lack of information in this field. This paper consists of six parts: the preface introduces the original intention and significance of the topic. The first chapter deals with the universal understanding of art and art from the perspective of anthropology. The second chapter discusses the art anthropology of the Evolutionism School and the Historical Special School in World War II. In this period, it mainly focuses on the origin of art, the distribution and evolution of style forms, and the existence of the material nature of art, the art technology and skills. Chapter three introduces in detail two important approaches to the study of art anthropology after the second World War: functionalism and structuralism, the introduction of functionalism and structuralism theory and methods. It not only provides a new research paradigm for the study of art anthropology, but also enriches the content of the subject research by jumping the agenda in this transition, and extends from the attention to art itself to the understanding of art as a dynamic process of behavior. It includes dimensions such as concepts, productive behavior, and feedback from the audience; art is understood as an act, It also made anthropologists, who were stuck in the arts during Harden and Boyce, more concerned about the field, because of their lack of expertise in the field of art. Thus, it promotes the vigorous development of art anthropology and the communication and dialogue between the subject and the subject. The fourth chapter is the interpretation of art by explanatory anthropology and the emergence of interpretative anthropology in the 1960s and 1970s, from the scientific "objective" study to the "subjective interpretation" of the symbolic system. Itself is an artistic change. From the game of daily life and the political symbol of the country, the explanatory anthropology looks for the direct performance or metaphor of the drama, and explores the symbolic implication of social life. On the basis of reflecting on the interpretation of ethnography of "deep drawing" art, the artistic anthropology in the 1980s. Re-examine the relationship between Art and Anthropology as a way to develop Artist The way of learning. The fifth chapter briefly introduces the core topic of art anthropology, the artist's body. Roles, art collections and new trends in recent years, such as in biology Exploring the Biological Nature of Art in the present context of the continuous Development of Technology; the study of Vision by Feminism The function and significance of art; the cultural capital of identifying or isolating ethnic groups. Source, that is, art as one of the means of identity appeal. The sixth chapter is a summary of the full text.
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