本文选题:“翻译过程总括模式” + 翻译策略 ; 参考:《苏州大学》2004年硕士论文
【摘要】:翻译是将一种语言的内容用另一种语言的形式呈现出来。因此,一个顺理成章的要求便是翻译必须能够准确传达原文内容,做到忠实于原文。然而,人们似乎忽略了作为翻译活动主体的译者的存在以及译者所处的现实世界的影响。翻译活动不是在“真空”中进行的,无论哪一位译者,由于使用跟原著不同的语言,面对不同的读者群,在不同的文化范畴和历史背景下运作,受到各种各样不同的制约,因而在翻译时就会加入自己译作世界的内容,根本不可能产生出跟原作世界一模一样的译文来。 对于林纾以及林译小说的评价历来褒贬不一,其症结就在于长期以来人们对于翻译实践的认识上的偏差。人们对林纾明白晓畅、优雅凝练的古文译品赞不绝口的同时,又对他随意增删、动辄改写的策略横加指责。本文拟以林纾及其译著《黑奴吁天录》为分析对象,以南开大学王宏印教授提出的“翻译过程总括模式”为研究的理论框架,通过对林纾译作世界申的诸因素的全面考察以及与原作世界的对比,,揭示出译作世界和原作世界的矛盾冲突是林纾对原作进行改写的根本原因。“不审西文”的古文大家林纾,带着对中国文化的深刻理解和崇尚以及对西方文化的一般领会,在解决矛盾冲突时,必然会采取归化的翻译策略,对原文进行符合本族语文规范的增删和改写。这种现象表明:在翻译过程中,社会文化因素的制约和译者主体因素的参与对译作的产生起决定作用。 这一研究引导我们对今后如何以科学的眼光客观、公正、全面地评判译者及其译作做出新的思考。
[Abstract]:Translation is the presentation of the content of one language in the form of another. Therefore, a logical requirement is that translation must be able to convey the original content accurately and be faithful to the original text. However, people seem to ignore the existence of the translator as the subject of translation and the influence of the translator in the real world. Translation activities are not carried out in a "vacuum". No matter which translator uses different languages from the original work, faces different readers, operates in different cultural categories and historical backgrounds, and is subject to various constraints. Therefore, it is impossible to produce the same translation as the original world. The evaluation of Lin Shu and his translation novels has always been mixed, the crux of which lies in the deviation of people's understanding of translation practice for a long time. At the same time, people praise Lin Shu for his elegant and refined translation of ancient prose. This paper intends to take Lin Shu and his translated book, the annals of the Heaven, as the analysis object, and the theoretical framework of the study of "the omnibus model of translation process" proposed by Professor Wang Hongyin of Nankai University. Through a comprehensive investigation of the factors of Lin Shu's translation and comparison with the original world, it is revealed that the contradiction and conflict between the translation world and the original world are the fundamental reasons for Lin Shu's rewriting of the original work. Lin Shu, an ancient writer who does not examine the western language, with a profound understanding and respect for Chinese culture and a general understanding of western culture, will inevitably adopt a domestication translation strategy in resolving contradictions and conflicts. Add, delete and rewrite the original text in line with its own language norms. This phenomenon shows that in the process of translation, the constraints of sociocultural factors and the participation of the translator's subjective factors play a decisive role in the translation process. This study leads us to make a new thinking on how to judge translators and their translations objectively, fairly and comprehensively in the future.
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