本文选题:艺术 + 语言 ; 参考:《云南师范大学》2003年硕士论文
【摘要】: 艺术语言是表现发话主体情感的外观形式,它的整个创作过程都伴随着发话主体强烈的审美情感的思维活动。人的情感是流动的、不稳定的,因而艺术语言是一种弹性语言。从句法上看,它偏离语法,,创造出“陌生化”语句;从语义上看,它言内而意外。论文分五个部分来详细论述了艺术语言弹性美的方方面面。第一部分阐述了艺术语言及弹性美的涵义;第二部分从语义、情感逻辑、题材向内容的转化三个方面来阐述艺术语言弹性美的产生机制;第三部分从文本影响力、审美感知的整体形、审美心理距离、语境四个方面来分析艺术语言的接受机制;第四部分从句式、语义两个方面来分析艺术语言弹性美的具体表现形式。其中,把句式之弹性体现归纳为六类分别予以例释,把语义之弹性体现归纳为两类,也分别予以了例释。第五部分阐述了富有弹性的艺术语言所产生的美感效应。 通过以上分析,笔者觉得“弹性”是艺术语言的本质特征。正因为有了“弹性”,艺术语言才能与科学语言相区别开来;正因为有了“弹性”,艺术语言才能迂回曲折地传递难以言说之义;才能把审美意象自由、活泼地表现出来,从而使艺术语言成为了一种有“意味”的形式。
[Abstract]:The artistic language is the appearance form which expresses the speech subject emotion, its entire creation process is accompanied by the speech main body intense esthetic emotion thought activity. People's emotions are fluid and unstable, so artistic language is a flexible language. Syntactically, it deviates from grammar and creates "defamiliarization" sentences. The thesis is divided into five parts to discuss in detail all aspects of the elastic beauty of artistic language. The first part expounds the meaning of artistic language and elastic beauty; the second part expounds the mechanism of artistic language elastic beauty from three aspects: semantics, emotional logic, and the transformation from subject matter to content; the third part expounds the influence of the text. This part analyzes the acceptance mechanism of artistic language from four aspects: the whole form of aesthetic perception, the distance of aesthetic psychology and the context; the fourth part analyzes the concrete expression form of elastic beauty of artistic language from two aspects: sentence structure and semantics. Among them, the elastic embodiment of sentence structure can be divided into six categories, and the semantic elasticity can be divided into two categories, respectively. The fifth part expounds the aesthetic effect of flexible artistic language. Through the above analysis, the author thinks that elasticity is the essential feature of artistic language. It is precisely because of the "flexibility" that the language of art can be distinguished from the language of science; because of the "flexibility", the language of art can twists and turns the indescribable meaning; and only then can the aesthetic image be expressed freely and vividly. As a result, artistic language has become a "meaningful" form.
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