本文选题:艺术创作 + 变态心理 ; 参考:《新疆大学》2005年硕士论文
【摘要】:变态心理是指离开了正常范围的不健康的心理活动。广义的变态心理主要是指基本正常的人,在一定条件下偶尔产生的超常的心理;狭义的变态心理主要是指整个精神基本处于不正常状态的人,他的精神已经完全扭曲了。这两种情况的共同点,都是在不同程度上,丧失了意识、理性,丧失了对自身精神和行为的控制,表现出种种变态状况。变态心理是每个人都会有的非常态心理,它不仅会影响我们的日常行为,对艺术创作的影响作用更是非常明显的。 艺术家的变态心理与其创作是有着密切联系的,艺术家在变态心理的情况下进入创作或在创作过程中发生变态心理具有相当的普遍性。尽管艺术家的变态心理因人而异,具有强烈的个性化色彩,但从中显示出来的一致性也是显而易见的,这就是艺术家变态心理的三个基本特征:非自觉性特征、独创性特征以及变态与病态交相混合的特征。这三个基本特征构成一个互为一体的综合系统,共同作用于艺术创作,产生区别于常态心理下的艺术特质,深刻地影响着艺术家的创作活动,是形成艺术作品独特风格的重要原因。 艺术创作中,情感活动的非自觉性,意味着自我意识完全的或一定程度的丧失。而自我意识的丧失又意味着主客一体或人我不分、物我两忘,这是变态心理的主要表现。因此可以说,艺术家创作过程中变态心理的主要特征是情感的宣泄。人有情就要宣泄、抒发。而宣泄、抒发就要有点反常或变态;不反常、不变态则感情无由宣泄和抒发,特别是怨怒之情,尤其要发泄。“悲愤出诗人”是中外文学史所证明了的。 从精神分析学的观点来看,人的欲求不满足及内心挫折,往往成为个人艺术创造的动力。个人在生活中受到内外阻碍,在本能及欲求得不
[Abstract]:Abnormal psychology refers to unhealthy psychological activities that have left the normal range. The broad sense of abnormal psychology mainly refers to the basic normal people, under certain conditions occasional abnormal psychology; narrow sense of abnormal psychology mainly refers to the whole spirit of the basic abnormal state of the person, his spirit has been completely distorted. The common ground of these two situations is that, to some extent, they lose consciousness, rationality, control of their own spirit and behavior, and show various abnormal conditions. Abnormal psychology is a kind of abnormal psychology that everyone will have. It will not only affect our daily behavior, but also have a very obvious effect on artistic creation. The abnormal psychology of the artist is closely related to his creation. It is quite universal for the artist to enter into the creation under the condition of abnormal psychology or to have abnormal psychology in the process of creation. Although the abnormal psychology of the artist varies from person to person and has a strong individualized color, the consistency shown from it is also obvious. This is the three basic characteristics of the abnormal psychology of the artist: the non-conscious characteristic. Originality and the mixture of metamorphosis and sickness. These three basic characteristics constitute a comprehensive system of mutual integration, acting together on artistic creation, producing artistic characteristics different from normal psychology, and profoundly influencing artists' creative activities. It is an important reason to form the unique style of art works. In artistic creation, the non-consciousness of emotional activity means the complete or certain loss of self-consciousness. And the loss of self-consciousness means that the subject and object are the same, and I forget both things, which is the main manifestation of abnormal psychology. Therefore, it can be said that the main characteristic of abnormal psychology in the process of artist creation is emotional catharsis. People have feelings to vent, express. And catharsis, express will be a bit abnormal or abnormal; no abnormal, no abnormal feelings for no reason to vent and express, especially angry feelings, especially to vent. The poet of grief and indignation is proved by the history of Chinese and foreign literature. From the point of view of psychoanalysis, people's unsatisfied desire and inner frustration often become the motive force of individual artistic creation. An individual is obstructed in his life by internal and external obstacles, but by instinct and desire
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