本文选题:艺术 + 语言 ; 参考:《云南师范大学》2002年硕士论文
【摘要】: 本文运用语言学、符号学、美学、心理学、文化人类学等理论对艺术语言的“活法”及其运作的机制进行了阐释。艺术语言的“活法”是在特定语境下,为了取得最佳的交际效果,而对常规语法、逻辑的超越。艺术语言运用“活法”拉大了辞面和辞内、能指和所指、情和理的距离,信息代码往往除理性信息之外,还传递着某种附加信息,如情感信息、美学信息、语体信息、时代信息等;因此艺术语言成为一种耐人咀嚼的审美语言。艺术语言的“活法”的运作可归结为能指变异、组合关系变异、聚合关系变异三种形式,而这三种形式在语言链上又突出地表现为句法变异和语义变异。通过对艺术语言的“活法”及其运作机制的研究,我们可以在特定情境下,更自觉地运用“活法”,使言语交际取得最佳的效果。“艺术对象创造出懂得艺术和能够欣赏美的大众——任何其他产品也都是这样。因此生产不仅为主体生产对象,而且也为对象生产主体。”因此艺术语言的每一种新表达,都在教人尝试用新的方式去理解它的意义。艺术语言通过“活法”的运用创造新规范,新规范将重新积淀为新的接受心理。一种新表达一旦被理解,就逐渐成为一种尺度,去影响、制约对同类表达方式的接受,,就又形成一种习惯性的接受心理;这种心理和艺术语言贵在创新的本质又会产生冲突,内容的求新,必然要产生新的变异形式,如此循环往复,生生不息,构成一个不断打破旧有平衡,走向新的平衡的动态过程。本文所归结的“活法”,也只不过是近一段时期“活法”的种种表现形式,随着社会的发展,还必将出现一些新的“活法”,而一些旧的“活法”因为用得多了,也会被纳入规范语言而成为常规语言的“定法”。“定法”与“活法”是一对矛盾的统一体,二者都存在于言语事实中。“活法”以“定法”为基础,又是对“定法”的偏离和超越。它们互相排斥,互相转化,共同促进语言的繁荣和发展,并为人类的进步事业服务。 本文分为五大部分。第一部分为引言,简介了艺术语言学的研究状况。第二部分为构成论,介绍了艺术语言的“活法”的含义并运用语言学、心理学、符号学理论阐释了艺术语言表达和接受的运行机制。第三部分为价值论,阐释了艺术语言使用活法的必然性。第四部分方法论,具体阐述了艺术语言的活法的两种突出表现:句法变异之活和语义变异之活。并把句法变异之活分为八种形式分别予以例释,把语义变异之活分为四种形式,也分别予以了例释。无数事实证明,对绝大部分人而言,没有一个模仿的过程,独创几乎是不可能的。事实上,人类心理中的联想、类比,从某种意义上来说就是思维的模仿。科学上的仿生也可以说是模仿带来的创造。这一部分是就目前艺术语言“活法”使用的状况、方法予以总结、归纳和分析,目的是便于读者模仿“活法”的使用形式,提高人们使用艺术语言的效率和效果,同时也有助于读者形成的习惯性的接受心理,并在此基础上,根据交际需要,推陈出新,产生出更多的使人耳目一新的言语形式。第五部分为结语,对全文予以小结,并对艺术语言学的发展予以展望。
[Abstract]:This article uses the theory of linguistics, semiotics, aesthetics, psychology, and cultural anthropology to explain the "living law" of the art language and the mechanism of its operation. The "living method" of the art language is in a specific context, in order to achieve the best communicative effect, and the transcendence of the conventional grammar, logic, and the use of the "activity method" in the art language. In terms of words and words, the distance between the signifier and the signified, the meaning and the reason, the information code often transfers some additional information except the rational information, such as emotional information, aesthetic information, style information, time information and so on. Therefore, the art language becomes a kind of chewing aesthetic language. The operation of the "living law" of the art language can be attributed to the change of the ability to change. There are three forms of variation in combination, combination and aggregation, and the three forms are highlighted in the language chain as syntactic and semantic variations. Through the study of the "living law" and its operating mechanism of the art language, we can use the "activity method" more consciously to make the best effect of speech communication in a specific situation. "The object of art creates the masses that understand art and appreciate beauty - all other products are so. So production is not only for the subject, but also for the object of production." so every new expression of the art language is teaching people to try to understand its meaning in a new way. The use of the new norms will create new norms, and the new norms will accumulate into a new acceptance mentality. Once a new expression is understood, it will gradually become a scale, to influence, to restrict the acceptance of the same way of expression, and to form a habit of accepting the psychology of acceptance; this kind of psychological and artistic language will bring about conflict in the essence of innovation. It is necessary to create a new form of variation, so that it is a dynamic process to break the old balance and move towards a new balance. The "living law" in this article is only a variety of forms of "living law" in the recent period. With the development of the society, there will be some new "living". "Law", while some old "living methods" are used much more, they will also be incorporated into the standard language to become the "fixed law" of the conventional language. The "fixed law" and "living law" are a contradictory unity, the two all exist in the speech facts. "The living law" is based on the "fixed law", and is the deviation and Transcendence of the "fixed law". They are arranged by each other. Repulsion, mutual transformation, jointly promote the prosperity and development of language, and serve the progress of mankind.
The first part is divided into five parts. The first part is the introduction, which introduces the research status of artistic linguistics. The second part is the theory of composition, introduces the meaning of the "living law" of the artistic language and interprets the operation mechanism of artistic language expression and acceptance by using linguistics, psychology and semiotics. The third part is the theory of value and interprets the artistic language. With the necessity of using the method of activity, the fourth part of the methodology describes two outstanding manifestations of the living method of the artistic language: the living of the syntactic variation and the living of the semantic variation, and the syntactic variation is divided into eight forms, respectively, and the semantic variation is divided into four forms. Most people, without a process of imitation, is almost impossible. In fact, the association in the human mind, the analogy, the imitation of thinking in a sense. Scientific bionics can also be said to be the creation of imitation. Conclusion, induction and analysis, the purpose is to facilitate the reader to imitate the form of the use of "living law", improve the efficiency and effect of people's use of art language, and also help readers to form the habit of accepting the psychology, and on this basis, according to the needs of communication, to bring forth new forms of speech. Fifth parts of the speech form. For the conclusion, we summarize the whole text and look forward to the development of art linguistics.
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