[Abstract]:Psychoanalysis is a very important criticism school in the western literary criticism theory in the 20th century. This paper attempts to absorb and draw lessons from the pioneer of psychoanalytic sociocultural school, Karen Holneh's personality theory, and apply it to literary criticism effectively. Holneh (with Adler, Fromm, Sullivan) is often classified as the Neo-Freudian School (which is not very accurate) because she has completely rejected some of the ideas, and methods of traditional psychoanalysis of Freud. On this basis, she established her theory of sociocultural neurosis. Horner believes that the dynamic structure of neurosis is not biological instinct, but basic anxiety. Because of the inherent contradiction of social culture and the imbalance of interpersonal relationship, people lack security and produce basic anxiety. In order to eliminate the sense of helplessness, hostility and loneliness, neurotic needs and personality defense strategies emerge as the times require. In this way, the unconscious vicious circle leads to psychological conflict and serious disorder. Holneh's theory is of great significance to the analysis and understanding of the psychological conflict of literary works. We can break away from the judgment pattern of character based on childhood experience and divide their dominant personality defense strategy into three types according to their current behavior: submissive type offensive type and transcendent type. In this paper, three types of personality defense were analyzed, including Purple, Old Man and Shame. Under the dominant defense strategy, the other two defensive tendencies are suppressed, so the neurotic self is divided into "idealized self" and "despised self". When an individual is confronted with a major internal conflict, there may be hesitation between the two self types, or a complete shift in defense strategy. This paper tries to use this theory to interpret Shakespeare's classic tragedy Hamlet, to analyze Hamlet's inner conflict, and to explain the endless delay and frustration in Hamlet's struggle for revenge against the King. In a word, it is hoped that the study of Holneh's theory can provide us with a new method and basis for interpreting Chinese and foreign literary works.
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