[Abstract]:In the media context of the 1990s, the ideology of consumerism has become the hegemonic discourse in the fields of thought, culture and art. " "material desire", "sexual desire", "power desire", "privacy" and so on are once the "reactionary" objects strictly guarded by the mainstream ideology of the country, which is shrouded in the ideology of consumerism in which the media participate in the construction. They acquired a historical identity of legitimacy, and thus began a massive cultural conquest. In the unexpected encounter between literature and the ideology of consumerism, popular literature, because of its commodity, entertainment and recreation, takes the lead in deducing the unprecedented historical "narrative carnival" with the ideological desire of consumerism. At the same time, the ideology of consumerism begins to conquer the elite literature, and elite literature is lost in the narrative of desire, which leads to the double loss of "identity forgetting" and "future chaos".
【作者单位】: 国立华侨大学文学院;
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