[Abstract]:The reform of Chinese school art education has made great progress, but it also faces many contradictions and problems. It needs the effective support from two aspects: the scientific development view and the scientific discipline system. This paper holds that the art subject education in the advanced field of graduate students in ordinary universities, the undergraduate major in different kinds of art education and comprehensive art education, as well as the art quality education in all levels of schools should be regarded as an integrated development pattern. The administrative division management mechanism should be desalinated and the self-adjustment mechanism of the subject system should be strengthened. It should be based on the theoretical concept of the subject of art, on the premise of establishing the leading position of the subject of art and the role of macro-control, and on the overall development of the quality education of humanities and arts. The whole development strategy is based on the overall improvement of the quality and connotation of education and teaching, and the harmonious and isomorphic model of humanistic and artistic education at all levels of schools.
【作者单位】: 杭州师范大学艺术学研究中心;
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