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发布时间:2018-08-17 19:58
【摘要】:有一句话说,中国人之精神,世间的也,乐天的也,故代表其精神 之戏曲小说,无往而不着此乐天之色彩。始于悲者终于欢,始于离者终于合,始于困者终于享。若《牡丹亭》之返魂,《长生殿》之重圆,其最着之一例也,而《桃花扇》之作者,但借候李之事以写故国之戚,而非以描写人生为事,故《桃花扇》,政治的也,国民的也,历史的也。而《红楼梦》之解脱,自律的也,哲学的也,宇宙的也,文学的也。但本人以为还得加上“感情的也”。此《红楼梦》之所以大背于中国人之精神,而其价值亦即存乎此,正代表中国人乐天之精神者也。 而《伊瑙》,泰国诗剧。由阿瑜陀耶王朝后期的波隆葛国王时代(1732-1767)蒙谷公主和恭吞公主根据一个马来亚女俘虏讲述的爪哇班基故事写成,由曼谷王朝二世王帕普塔勒腊·纳帕莱重新加以改编,成为完整优美的诗剧。它是具有泰国民族风格的古典文学名著之一。全剧约两万行诗,描写达哈国王的公主浦莎芭与谷列班国王的王子伊瑙的悲欢离合的故事。两人本已订婚,但伊瑙却另有所爱(金妲兰),寄信与浦莎芭退婚,达哈国王赌气将公主另嫁左蜡卡。不久,嘎芒谷宁国王率大军抢劫浦莎芭,达哈国王向谷列班求援,伊瑙率领援军击败入侵者,杀死嘎芒谷宁父子。伊瑙参拜达哈国王时,看见浦莎芭容貌非凡,重生爱慕之心,将她劫走。不料,浦莎芭在上山游玩时突然被狂风吹走,二人离散。数年内他们互相寻找,遍访列国,历尽波折,终于重逢。 作品歌颂了忠贞的爱情和善良终将战胜邪恶的思想,同时描述了泰国宫廷的礼仪和风俗习惯。泰国政府曾经将它列为文科教材。1798年,《伊瑙》被缅甸诗人妙瓦底敏纪吴萨译成缅文,它的故事也先后传入老挝和柬埔寨等国。 全文主要内容共分四个章节: 第一章《伊瑙》的故事 如以上所说,《伊瑙》是泰国的一部由曼谷王朝二世王帕普塔勒腊·纳帕莱重新加以改编诗剧,具有泰国民族风格的一部著作。描写的是达哈国王的公主布莎巴与古列班国王的王子伊瑙的悲欢离合的故事。本来已订婚的少年王室族,但伊瑙却另有所爱与布莎巴退婚,布莎巴的父亲赌气将她嫁给扎拉嘎。不久,嘎芒谷宁国王率大军抢走了布莎巴,达哈国王向谷列班求援,伊瑙率领援军击败入侵者,杀死嘎芒谷宁父子。伊瑙参拜达哈国王时,看见布莎巴美丽动人,容貌非凡,与布莎巴重生爱慕之心,将她劫走。不料中,布莎巴在上山游玩时突然被狂风吹走,二人离散。数年内他们互相寻找,遍访列国,历尽波折,终于重逢。 第二章动人心弦的人物心境之比较 分为两节,主要内容分析主人物和次人物心境里的差别与共同之处。伊瑙和贾宝玉具有把爱情作为首位之性等的共同之处,同时布莎巴和林黛玉也有她们的孤高伶俐,多愁善感的共同之处。至于次人物本节主要分析金妲兰的外向与薛宝钗的内向,左蜡卡的谦虚与王熙凤的自信之差别等。 第三章动人心弦的对话之比较 本章主要分析两部作品里的每一种类的对话,如表达爱情,愤怒,悲痛等对话,和对话里使用的笔法,如“像似”笔法,“比喻”笔法,“作,为,是,当”笔法等。 第四章动人心弦的背景之比较 主要是分为两节,第一节主要是分析在故事里出现的环境背景,如城市环境背景,和自然环境背景。第二节主要是分析给读者印象最深刻的背景,本节已举了两个背景的例子。在《红楼梦》的那部分,本人以“黛玉葬花”,和“宝玉失魂”为主。在《伊瑙》的那部分,本人以“浦莎芭求蜡烛占卜选婿”,和“刮风”为主 本论文主要是分析《红楼梦》与《伊瑙》里怎么创造出动人心弦的心境,以便表示这两部作品不管是在创造人物方而,在对话方面,和背景方面都具有突出的表达方式。 研究结果归纳出创造动人心弦的心境主要是分为三部分;(一)创造人物,(二)对话,(三)背景,这三部分以有意义的词汇与句子很突出地关联在一起,以便明显地表达出心境与情绪。以形象化的语言描写出让人感到动人心弦的心境,使读者对人物,对话,与背景有着深刻的印象,使读者与作品里的人物有着共同的喜怒哀乐的情绪。
[Abstract]:There is a saying that the spirit of the Chinese people and the joy of the world also represent their spirit.
If the soul of the Peony Pavilion and the reunion of the Palace of Eternal Life are the most important examples, the author of the Peach Blossom Fan is the author of the Peach Blossom Fan. The liberation of the Dream of Red Mansions is not only a national but also a historical one. The liberation of the Dream of Red Mansions is self-disciplined, philosophical, cosmic and literary.
And Inaugure, a Thai poetic drama, was written by Princess Mongkok and Princess Gongton in the late Ayutoya Dynasty (1732-1767) in accordance with the Jawa Banki story told by a Malayan prisoner of war. It was re-adapted by Paputara Napalai, the second king of Bangkok dynasty, into a complete and beautiful poetic drama. One of the classical literary masterpieces of the genre. The 20,000-line poem tells the story of the joys and sorrows of Pushaba, the princess of Daha, and Inaud, the prince of Gulliban. The two were engaged, but Inaud had another love (Golden Lady Lands), and sent a letter to Pushaba to retire. The Daha King gambled that the princess would marry another left wax. When he led a great army to rob Pushaba, King Daha appealed to Valley and Lebanon for help, and Inaud led the army to defeat the invaders and kill the Garmonguin father and son. Inaugure visited King Daha, he saw Pushaba's extraordinary appearance, renewed love and took her away. After visiting all the countries, they finally met again.
It celebrates the idea that loyal love and kindness will eventually triumph over evil, and describes the etiquette and customs of the Thai court.The Thai government once listed it as a liberal arts textbook.
The main content of the thesis is divided into four chapters.
The first chapter is the story of "NaOH".
As mentioned above, Inaugur is a Thai poetic drama adapted from the second king of Bangkok, Paputara Napalai, and a work of Thai national style. It depicts the joys and sorrows of the divorce between the princess of King Daha, Bushaba, and the prince of King Gulieban, Inaugur. When he visited the king, he saw that Bushaba was beautiful and beautiful, and that he was extraordinarily good-looking. Bushaba's love was reborn and she was robbed. Unexpectedly, Bushaba was suddenly blown away by a strong wind while he was playing in the mountains. They separated. They searched for each other for several years, visited various countries, and finally met again.
The second chapter compares the mood of moving people.
It is divided into two sections to analyze the differences and similarities in the moods of the main characters and the secondary characters. Inaugure and Jia Baoyu share the same characteristics as regard love as the first priority. At the same time, Bushaba and Lin Daiyu share the same characteristics of their aloneness and sentimentality. The introversion of hairpin, the difference between the left wax card's modesty and Wang Xifeng's self-confidence.
The third chapter compares the stirring dialogue.
This chapter mainly analyzes each type of dialogue in the two works, such as the expression of love, anger, grief and other dialogues, and the dialogues used in the brushwork, such as the "iconic" style, the "figurative" style, the "doing, doing, being, being" style.
The comparison of the fourth chapter's touching background
The first section mainly analyzes the environmental background in the story, such as the urban environment background and the natural environment background. The second section mainly analyzes the most impressive background to the readers. This section has given two examples of the background. In the part of A Dream of Red Mansions, I take "Daiyu Buried Flower" and "Baoyu Lost Soul" as the examples. Lord, in the part of "Nu", I used "Pu Sha Ba to ask for candles to divination" and "windy".
This paper mainly analyzes how the two works create a heart-stirring state of mind in A Dream of Red Mansions and Inaugure, so as to show that the two works have prominent ways of expression in terms of dialogue and background, no matter in creating characters.
The results of the study conclude that there are three main parts in creating a touching mood: (1) creating characters, (2) dialogue, (3) background. These three parts are closely related to sentences with meaningful words in order to clearly express mood and emotion. They are deeply impressed by characters, dialogues, and backgrounds, which make readers and characters in their works share a common mood of joy, anger, sorrow and joy.


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9 长风;;《话说〈红楼梦〉中人》[J];红楼梦学刊;2007年01期

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