发布时间:2018-08-20 11:50
【摘要】:二十世纪初期,“意象”这一概念开始在西方学术界萌芽并蓬勃发展。而近几年,学界有越来越多的学者开始研究“意象”。“意象”不仅是一个诗学概念,也是一个词汇概念。经过长时间的研究,笔者发现“意象”概念在中国博大精深的古诗词中出现的概率非常之高;甚至可以说,中国古诗词是由一个个的意象词汇通过不同的方式组合到一起的。 在翻译实践过程中,我们发现把中国古诗词翻译成外语的困难性很大。尽管学界众多外语专家学者不断总结翻译心得、推出各种翻译理论,然而由于汉语的特殊性以及汉语和其他语言之间的较大差别性,将中国古诗词译成外语的困难性仍然很大。 那么,究竟什么是意象呢?意象又有哪些组合方式呢?既然中国古诗词可以说是由意象组合而成,那么古诗词的外译版本中能否体现出意象词汇的概念呢?意象词汇的概念对古诗词外译有何作用呢?笔者试图以古诗词法译为研究对象,在本文中较为深入地阐述这些问题,得出意象词汇的特性以及对古诗词法译的作用,,从而开创新的词汇研究渠道、力争为中国古诗词翻译实践提供新的可行性措施。
[Abstract]:In the early 20th century, the concept of "image" began to sprout and flourish in western academia. In recent years, more and more scholars began to study image. Image is not only a poetic concept, but also a lexical concept. After a long period of research, the author finds that the concept of "image" has a very high probability of appearing in the broad and profound ancient poetry of China, and it can even be said that the ancient Chinese poetry is composed of image words and phrases in different ways. In the process of translation, we find it difficult to translate ancient Chinese poetry into foreign languages. Although many foreign language experts and scholars continue to sum up their translation experiences and put forward various translation theories, due to the particularity of Chinese and the great difference between Chinese and other languages, it is still very difficult to translate ancient Chinese poetry into foreign languages. So what exactly is an image? What are the combinations of images? Since ancient Chinese poetry can be said to be composed of images, can the concept of image vocabulary be reflected in the translation version of ancient poetry? What is the effect of the concept of image vocabulary on the translation of ancient poetry? The author tries to take the translation of ancient poetry and ci as the object of study, in this paper, the author expounds these problems in depth, and draws the conclusion that the characteristics of image vocabulary and its role in the translation of ancient poetry and ci, thus opening up a new research channel for vocabulary. Strive to provide new feasible measures for the translation of ancient Chinese poetry.
[Abstract]:In the early 20th century, the concept of "image" began to sprout and flourish in western academia. In recent years, more and more scholars began to study image. Image is not only a poetic concept, but also a lexical concept. After a long period of research, the author finds that the concept of "image" has a very high probability of appearing in the broad and profound ancient poetry of China, and it can even be said that the ancient Chinese poetry is composed of image words and phrases in different ways. In the process of translation, we find it difficult to translate ancient Chinese poetry into foreign languages. Although many foreign language experts and scholars continue to sum up their translation experiences and put forward various translation theories, due to the particularity of Chinese and the great difference between Chinese and other languages, it is still very difficult to translate ancient Chinese poetry into foreign languages. So what exactly is an image? What are the combinations of images? Since ancient Chinese poetry can be said to be composed of images, can the concept of image vocabulary be reflected in the translation version of ancient poetry? What is the effect of the concept of image vocabulary on the translation of ancient poetry? The author tries to take the translation of ancient poetry and ci as the object of study, in this paper, the author expounds these problems in depth, and draws the conclusion that the characteristics of image vocabulary and its role in the translation of ancient poetry and ci, thus opening up a new research channel for vocabulary. Strive to provide new feasible measures for the translation of ancient Chinese poetry.
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1 朱祖林;辞断意连得风流——英美意象派与中国古典诗歌意象组合之比较[J];安庆师院社会科学学报;1997年01期