发布时间:2018-08-20 08:34
【摘要】:风格的传递,是文学翻译中最敏感而复杂的问题之一。古典名著《红楼梦》自18世纪中叶诞生以来就被广为传阅, 更有众多名人为研究它而著书立说。自19世纪30年代开始,中外译者就用英、法、德、日、俄等在内的多国语言以节译、缩译或全译的形式将其译出。“红学”家们,批评家们,甚至诸多学者都对其中风格的传递问题进行过热烈地谈讨。 《红楼梦》不仅内容丰富,而且在结构安排上“文备众体”,继而被冠之以“百科全书”之名。前朝发展起来的各种文体,如诗、词、曲、歌、谣、谚、赞、诔、偈语、辞赋、联额、书启、灯谜、酒令、骈文等等,都在这一巨著中有所引用, 仅以其中的诗体而言,就有五绝、七绝、五律、七律,有咏怀的、咏物的、即事的、即景的、怀旧的、打油的,有限题的、限韵的、限诗体的等等,极其丰富多彩。这些韵文不但本身具有很高的艺术价值,而且是整部小说不可或缺的组成部分。 本文引用了刘宓庆先生风格翻译论中的风格符号系统理论,试图对杨宪益夫妇和大卫·霍克斯的译本进行粗略地评述,,比较二者在《红楼梦》诗歌翻译中是否对原作风格进行了成功地传递。 全文分为六个部分: 引言部分简要介绍了风格这一概念在中外文学史上的地位及诗歌的风格特征。 第一部分扼要介绍了《红楼梦》中诗歌的基本特征及其在两个译本中的翻译情况。 第二部分对刘宓庆翻译风格论的风格符号系统从形式标记和非形式标记作以简单阐述。 第三总部分依次谈论了风格的可译性,风格传递的三种基本方法,形式标记在《红楼梦》诗歌翻译中的风格传递以及非形式标记在其风格传译中的表现等。 第四部分粗略叙述了译者在对《红楼梦》诗歌的风格进行传递时,因文化差异和语言差异所遇到的限制因素。 结论部分对全文作以归纳和总结,并提出了一些有待于进一步研究的问题。
[Abstract]:The transmission of style is one of the most sensitive and complicated problems in literary translation. The classical masterpiece A Dream of Red Mansions has been widely read since its birth in the middle of the 18th century, and many famous people have written books to study it. Since the 1930s, Chinese and foreign translators have translated them in English, French, German, Japanese, Russian and other languages in the form of abstract, abbreviated or complete translation. "Red Mansions" scholars, critics, and even many scholars have talked enthusiastically about the transmission of style. "A Dream of Red Mansions" is not only rich in content, And in the structure of the "prepared for the masses", and then the title of "encyclopedia". The various styles developed in the previous dynasties, such as poems, words, songs, ballads, proverbs, praises, eulogy, stanzas, Fu, couplet, calligraphy, lantern riddles, wine orders, parallel prose and so on, have been cited in this great work, only in terms of their poetic style. There are five absolute, seven absolute, five laws, seven laws, some chanting things, that is, scenery, nostalgia, oil, limited, rhyme, poetry and so on, extremely rich and colorful. These verses are not only of high artistic value, but also an indispensable part of the whole novel. This paper refers to the theory of stylistic symbol system in Liu Miqing's style translation theory, and attempts to make a rough comment on the translations of the couple Yang Xianyi and David Hawks. This paper compares whether the original style has been successfully transmitted in the translation of A Dream of Red Mansions. The full text is divided into six parts: the introduction briefly introduces the status of the concept of style in the history of Chinese and foreign literature and the style characteristics of poetry. The first part briefly introduces the basic features of the poems in A Dream of Red Mansions and their translation in two versions. In the second part, the stylistic symbol system of Liu Miqing's translation style theory is briefly described from formal and non-formal marks. The third headquarters discusses in turn the translatability of style, the three basic methods of style transmission, the style transfer of formal markers in the translation of A Dream of Red Mansions and the expression of non-formal markers in the interpretation of style. In the fourth part, the author gives a brief account of the cultural and linguistic differences that the translator has encountered when he conveys the style of A Dream of Red Mansions. The conclusion part summarizes the whole paper and puts forward some questions that need further study.
[Abstract]:The transmission of style is one of the most sensitive and complicated problems in literary translation. The classical masterpiece A Dream of Red Mansions has been widely read since its birth in the middle of the 18th century, and many famous people have written books to study it. Since the 1930s, Chinese and foreign translators have translated them in English, French, German, Japanese, Russian and other languages in the form of abstract, abbreviated or complete translation. "Red Mansions" scholars, critics, and even many scholars have talked enthusiastically about the transmission of style. "A Dream of Red Mansions" is not only rich in content, And in the structure of the "prepared for the masses", and then the title of "encyclopedia". The various styles developed in the previous dynasties, such as poems, words, songs, ballads, proverbs, praises, eulogy, stanzas, Fu, couplet, calligraphy, lantern riddles, wine orders, parallel prose and so on, have been cited in this great work, only in terms of their poetic style. There are five absolute, seven absolute, five laws, seven laws, some chanting things, that is, scenery, nostalgia, oil, limited, rhyme, poetry and so on, extremely rich and colorful. These verses are not only of high artistic value, but also an indispensable part of the whole novel. This paper refers to the theory of stylistic symbol system in Liu Miqing's style translation theory, and attempts to make a rough comment on the translations of the couple Yang Xianyi and David Hawks. This paper compares whether the original style has been successfully transmitted in the translation of A Dream of Red Mansions. The full text is divided into six parts: the introduction briefly introduces the status of the concept of style in the history of Chinese and foreign literature and the style characteristics of poetry. The first part briefly introduces the basic features of the poems in A Dream of Red Mansions and their translation in two versions. In the second part, the stylistic symbol system of Liu Miqing's translation style theory is briefly described from formal and non-formal marks. The third headquarters discusses in turn the translatability of style, the three basic methods of style transmission, the style transfer of formal markers in the translation of A Dream of Red Mansions and the expression of non-formal markers in the interpretation of style. In the fourth part, the author gives a brief account of the cultural and linguistic differences that the translator has encountered when he conveys the style of A Dream of Red Mansions. The conclusion part summarizes the whole paper and puts forward some questions that need further study.
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1 黄昀;《红楼梦》正册判词英译本对比赏析[J];安徽广播电视大学学报;2001年01期
2 傅雷;;论翻译书[J];读书;1979年03期
3 夏力力,古绪满;“达旨”与“移情”——《红楼梦》怀古诗两种译文比较[J];福建外语;1994年Z2期