发布时间:2018-08-30 11:38
【摘要】:正就"后现代主义艺术"而言,在中国美术教育界一种"颇具权威"的普遍观点是中央美术学院美术史系外国美术教研室所编著的((外国美术简史》教材中关于"后现代主义艺术"的定义,即"‘后现代主义'(Post Modernism)是50
[Abstract]:As far as "post-modernist art" is concerned, A general view of "quite authoritative" in the field of Chinese art education is compiled by the Foreign Art Teaching and Research Department of the Department of Fine Arts History of the Central Academy of Fine Arts (the definition of "postmodernist art" in the textbook "A brief History of Foreign Fine Arts"). That 'postmodernism' (Post Modernism) is 50
[Abstract]:As far as "post-modernist art" is concerned, A general view of "quite authoritative" in the field of Chinese art education is compiled by the Foreign Art Teaching and Research Department of the Department of Fine Arts History of the Central Academy of Fine Arts (the definition of "postmodernist art" in the textbook "A brief History of Foreign Fine Arts"). That 'postmodernism' (Post Modernism) is 50
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2 匡丽萍;;浅谈现代主义与后现代主义艺术的区别[J];商业文化(上半月);2011年06期
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4 赵滨;;后现代主义艺术探微[J];大众文艺(理论);2009年06期
5 喻仲文;;论后现代主义艺术和现代主义艺术的界限[J];重庆大学学报(社会科学版);2006年05期
6 邢崇;;同一·疏离·分裂——传统、现代与后现代艺术审美观念的变迁[J];理论观察;2008年04期
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2 曹岩双;浅评西方现代及后现代艺术的转型[D];辽宁师范大学;2008年
3 关思文;超越雅俗之分[D];暨南大学;2010年
4 陶铮;论罗莎琳·克劳斯结构主义时期的艺术批评[D];浙江大学;2011年
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