[Abstract]:Translation is a decision-making process, a regulated activity, a purposeful act. At the same time, it is also a form of rewriting and manipulation. Translation is not carried out in a vacuum. It is always rooted in a particular linguistic, social and cultural context. Therefore, translation studies should not be separated from the linguistic, social and cultural context in which it occurs. Based on Zohar's theory of multiple systems and deconstruction, this paper analyzes Su Manshu's translation of ten poems and two novels by using the method of descriptive explanation. Su Manshu was a poet, translator, painter, editor of dictionaries and Sanskrit grammar books, monk and revolutionary. The analysis of this paper mainly consists of four interrelated systems, namely, language system, literature system, ideology system and cultural system. From the perspective of language system, English and Chinese belong to different language families. Their differences in phonology and polysemy lead to Su Manshu's substitution of traditional Chinese poetry forms and rhyming methods in the process of his poetry translation. To compensate for the form and rhyme of the original text, as well as the choice and misuse of some words. From the perspective of literary system, this paper first summarizes and describes the four basic features of Su Manshu's translation: most of his translated works are classic works of classical writers, the translation of Hugo's novels by Zhang Hui style novels; Whatever the form of the original poem, the translated poem is in five-character or seven-character rhymes / quatrains; he prefers quaint language. Then it explains it from the perspective of Su Manshu's poetics, the dominant poetics, patronage and reception theory. From the perspective of ideology system, the thesis outlines five ideologies that influence the decision-making process of Su Manshu's translation: the ideology of the ruling class in the Qing Dynasty, Confucianism, patriarchy, Su Manshu's revolutionary consciousness and Buddhism. On this basis, the author analyzes in detail Su Manshu's reorganization, additions, deletions and creations in the process of translating Hugo's novel "Les Miserables", as well as the choice of the original poem author, the choice of the theme and the application of the male perspective in poetry translation. From the perspective of cultural system, this chapter focuses on the influence of the development of newspaper industry on Su Manshu's translation of Hugo's novel Les Miserables. To sum up, Su Manshu's choice of translated texts and his corresponding translation strategies such as changes, additions and deletions are the result of the combined effects of language, literature, ideology and culture.
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