[Abstract]:A Dream of Red Mansions is a masterpiece of Chinese classical novels, the language of which has reached the peak of Chinese language art. The rhetorical figures in A Dream of Red Mansions become the most direct and concentrated embodiment of its language art. This paper selects some of the main rhetorical devices in A Dream of Red Mansions and divides them into three categories: phonetic rhetoric, structural rhetoric and semantic rhetoric, and applies the equivalent translation theory proposed by Nida and Jin Yi. A contrastive analysis of the translation methods and effects of various rhetorical devices in the translations of Hawkes and Yang Xianyi. According to the equivalent translation theory, in order to achieve the same effect on the reader as the original text, the translator must make a reasonable choice as to whether or not to change the content and form of the original text and at what level. Hawkes correctly deals with the relationship between change and invariance and how to change, and adopts flexible and varied translation methods: to preserve those words that can achieve the same effect, and to omit some unimportant ones. In order to make up for the damage caused by ellipsis, he created some new figures of speech. Of course, transliteration, free translation, annotation and other translation methods also occasionally appear in his translation. By comparison, Yang Xianyi, influenced by his own translation purpose and translation principles, tries to be faithful to the content and form of the original text. When fidelity cannot be achieved, he often uses passive translation methods such as transliteration, free translation and annotation. The overall translation effect is not as good as that of Hawkes. Therefore, the author holds that only with the aim of equivalence, can translators translate all kinds of rhetorical devices in literary works with flexible and diverse translation methods.
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