[Abstract]:Image is one of the important modeling elements, which refers to the creation of graphics and the overall structure of the work, acting on the visual aesthetic, visual psychology and theme communication to produce visual effects. At the same time, the personalization of image modeling influences the formation and production of artistic style and the construction of works. The study of these problems plays an important role in the creation of visual schemata. This paper focuses on the study of image modeling. The paper mainly includes four parts: the first part, the interpretation of the image. This part discusses the meaning and characteristics of image, and analyzes the close relationship between image cognition and the generation of graphic symbols from the early simple visual graphics, and draws out the problems discussed in the next part. The second part discusses the visual effect of image modeling. This paper mainly discusses the visual psychology, visual aesthetics and thematic communication effect of image from the perspective of artistic psychology, aesthetics and plastic arts, and proves the visual effect of image in modeling. The third part mainly discusses "Image and modelling form". This part mainly discusses two problems: first, there are many factors in the formation of artist's artistic style, however, the application of individualized image modeling can not be ignored; Second, as far as the overall structure of the work is concerned, the image also plays an important role in the construction of form. The fourth part is the conclusion: as an important modeling element, the image contains rich contents, not only endows the modeling, but also plays a role in the creation of new schemata, and has the value of discussion and research in the plastic arts category. And other art categories related to modeling also have the significance of inquiry.
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