发布时间:2018-11-24 13:32
【摘要】: 或许由于现代先锋最先介入的是语言的革新,并且在语言成为焦点 以后,导致了叙述形式的变化。从而,从表面上看来,先锋创作更多关 注的是形式上的花样翻新,以至于人们往往把先锋等同于形式的标新立 异,并认为先锋的意义仅在于此。 然而,形式的变异性很快就会式微,先锋被宣布破产或消亡,成了 转瞬即逝的事物。但是当我们反观现代先锋作品时,我们会发现:实际 上,新异形式的冲击力是短暂的,能被复制、移植的,而从文本中溢出 的渴望创新、蔑视权威、追求自由的精神才是最吸引我们,并促使一代 代的先锋艺术家前仆后继的推动力。这种精神正是先锋艺术的意义和价 值所在。 “先锋”一词本是军事术语,后被引申入艺术领域,泛指一切再艺 术上大胆突破、创新的人们。尽管先锋性存在于任何时代,只有进入现代 世界后,先锋的存在成为一种自觉。本文的视点即从现代先锋开始,试对 其概念、产生背景进行梳理,从中得出其特征、精神实质,并探索其命运, 又从其命运中进一步论证其精神实质,并以西方先锋为参照系,来观照中 国先锋艺术的精神、命运。 先锋与现代主义有重合之处,但它们是不同的概念:先锋是任何现 代主义的先驱者,现代主义比先锋更易稳定性,而先锋比现代主义更具 变异性。二者却具有共同的恒定主题:蔑视权威、积极创造崭新的自我。 先锋艺术具有以下特征: 一.异端性。即前卫性,这正是其被命名的根据。这一特征使得 它把自己与前此的艺术分开,呈现出一种与众不同的面貌, 当然,这种异端不仅包括形式,还有思想和精神。 二.拒绝重复性。这一特征正是使其保持独立的关键所在,既指 作家与作家之间,也贯穿于一个始终能坚持先锋精神的作家 所有的创作之中。 三.试验性。这一特征是副两个特征的必然要求,试验性使『已永 远处于行动之中。 这些特征也是导致其命运坎、冈的关键。它总是处干俘扎之中,反抗 被世俗、主流意识形态承认的命运:永远无法拥有自己的立足点。对于 先锋而言,渴望成功与反抗成功是难以凋和的。 中国先锋作家的处境尤其尴尬,完全拿西方模式采对比他们,无疑 是不公平的。他们有自己独特的环境、精神源泉和追求。所以,如果我 们能穿越文本,不仅仅只关注写作技巧,我们可望触摸到他们内心深处 的精神律动。当然,我们不能否定确实有一些作家在前行中难耐孤独和 照,,丧失了先锋精神,但不去深人与他们对视,只是浮光掠影地哀伤 干形式的退化,显然是不够全面的。
[Abstract]:Perhaps the first intervention by the modern pioneer is the innovation of the language and has become the focus in the language After that, the guide a change in the form of a narrative. It seems that the avant-garde works more and more notes are in the form of the figure renovation so that people tend to equate the pioneers with the shape The meaning of the pioneer is only that. However, the form of variability will soon be small, and the vanguard is expected to be To go bankrupt or to die, become a fleeting thing. But when I In view of the modern pioneer works, we will find that: on top, The new form of impact is short and can be complex to overflow from text. The spirit of the desire for innovation, the contempt of authority and the pursuit of freedom is the most attractive to us and to the generation the advance of the leading artist of the generation. Power. This spirit is the meaning and price of the pioneer art. Value is in.鈥減ioneer鈥
[Abstract]:Perhaps the first intervention by the modern pioneer is the innovation of the language and has become the focus in the language After that, the guide a change in the form of a narrative. It seems that the avant-garde works more and more notes are in the form of the figure renovation so that people tend to equate the pioneers with the shape The meaning of the pioneer is only that. However, the form of variability will soon be small, and the vanguard is expected to be To go bankrupt or to die, become a fleeting thing. But when I In view of the modern pioneer works, we will find that: on top, The new form of impact is short and can be complex to overflow from text. The spirit of the desire for innovation, the contempt of authority and the pursuit of freedom is the most attractive to us and to the generation the advance of the leading artist of the generation. Power. This spirit is the meaning and price of the pioneer art. Value is in.