[Abstract]:The theory of the origin of literature and art has many schools, but it cannot explain all the phenomena of literature and art. The formation of art originates from the multiple resonance of various factors and components. Based on the two production theories of Marxism, this paper emphasizes the great significance of human's own production to the origin of art. The creation of art is based on aesthetic requirements. The primitive art in the matriarchal society is inevitably rich in female aesthetic factors. The main purpose of this paper is to highlight the role of women in the origin of literature and art. Since the birth of human beings, there have been two kinds of production: the production of material means of living and the production of human beings themselves, both of which are the basis and source of primitive art. The process of human labor provides the content of expression for the production of art, and the production of human itself activates the creation of art through mediums such as witchcraft. Human artistic creation is based on the law of beauty to find itself as the object. Matriarchal society is the kingdom of women. So the female human body becomes the first choice of human aesthetic object. Female beauty has had a great impact on mythology, pottery, sculpture, painting, clothing, tattoos, paper-cutting, dance, music and poetry. All of these artistic forms reflect the ancient female thinking, female consciousness and male aesthetic standards for women, which have abundant female aesthetic factors, all of which benefit from the worship of women in ancient times. In matrilineal society, women are not only the main force of reproductive production and agricultural production, but also the backbone of spiritual production. Because people ignorant, do not understand the truth of fertility, so female reproductive worship popular. The mystery of witches' primitive witchcraft makes people worship women. The importance of women is often vividly reflected in all kinds of literature and art. Women played a great role in the creation of art, and even influenced the later artistic creation. Women have made indelible contributions to art.
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