[Abstract]:Originally as a rule of reception etiquette, the concept of "guest and host" has been extended to the fields of literature and art creation, aesthetics and criticism. In general, it refers to the aesthetic principles of the collocation and handling of the main and secondary images in the works of art, including the dualistic opposites of the main and secondary, the big and the small, the far and the near, and the development into the creation of Chinese paintings. A very important theoretical category in the field of aesthetics and criticism. " The artistic aesthetic problems of the idea of "guest and host" are mainly manifested in the breakthrough of the barrier of "infiltration" of human beings (including children and primitive people), the transformation from utilitarian concept to ceremonial norm, and the transformation from etiquette norm to aesthetic concept, which are mainly reflected in the breakthrough of "guest and host" to "mutual permeation" of human beings (including children and primitive people). The principle turns to three aspects.
【作者单位】: 洛阳师范学院美术学院;
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