[Abstract]:This paper mainly discusses the subjectivity of readers in the understanding of literary texts. Many literary theories in the 19th and 20th centuries focus on the author and the role of texts in literary activities, but the attention to readers is obviously insufficient. The literary theory, centered on the author, neglects the reader's creativity and subjectivity. Traditional hermeneutics holds that understanding is objective, understanding text is to get rid of the subjective will of the interpreter to grasp the author's intention, and the classical literary theory also claims that the text and the meaning of the text are decided by the author. Expelling the author from the center of literary activity is a great contribution to the text theory, but claims that the text is the product of language, that the text is self-sufficient, closed and independent, and that the ambiguity of the text is restricted by the structure of the text. In this way, the text falls into the rut of language. Modern hermeneutics holds that the author's intention does not actually exist, understanding is the historical existence, and the historical understanding constitutes the "prejudice" or "pre-structure" of cognition. In the process of understanding the text, readers accept and create the text according to their own aesthetic experience or pre-structure. Nietzsche's slogan "God is dead" and Iser's "the summoning structure of the text" provide a way out for people to find the theory of text understanding. Thus, "the author dies", he is no longer the authority of meaning, when he completes the work, the author's influence does not exist; the reader is therefore reborn, released from the authority of the author's meaning, and creatively constructed. The summoning structure of the text also embodies the reader's consciousness of the text. The subjectivity of readers' understanding of literary texts lies in the appreciation of works, the guidance of creation, the realization of literary value and the construction of meaning. Of course, all this does not mean completely negating some objectivity of literary text understanding, but the emphasis of this paper is on the subjectivity of literary text understanding.
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