[Abstract]:Jiang Kongyang's aesthetic thought and literary thought are closely related, generally speaking, he is standing in the aesthetic height to examine literature and art. It is not difficult to understand his literary and artistic thoughts by understanding his thoughts on aesthetics. "Labor creates beauty", Jiang carefully discusses beauty with Marx's thought as the starting point. He thinks that beauty is not a static entity, but exists in the process of practice and creation, "beauty is the objectification of human essential power". "objectification" is regular, and "law of beauty" is to master "two scales". Art is also the objectification of man's essential power, so its essence is consistent with beauty, and the law of beauty is the law of art. The lack of imagination is one of the major drawbacks of contemporary literature and art. To the former, the spiritual character and humanistic ideal of the creative subject should be greatly improved, and the latter should be encouraged to observe and experience life more carefully. Chiang's theory of the law of beauty may be a cure for the lack of artistic imagination. Art is the concentrated embodiment of beauty, which reflects the reality by the way of artistic image. Image both individual and universal, especially typical image, but also the dialectical unity of the two. Mr. Jiang prefers the unity of the two in his personality. Mr. Jiang's typical view was born from the argument with various factions, which is more instructive to literary creation. After all, artistic creation begins with individual images in life. In the present literature and art, atypical creation is popular for a time, which reduces the profundity of literature and art and weakens the reflection on life, which has been criticized by academic circles. The complexity of today's society should be a good opportunity for typical creation. Advocating the typical creation in art will help the flame of art to burn again in the hearts of appreciators. Mr. Jiang emphasized that literature and art reflected the function of real life, but he reflected literature and art from the angle of aesthetics, so he paid more attention to the particularity of literature and art, that is, the aesthetic function of literature and art, which provided theoretical enlightenment for the later aesthetic reflection theory. "Man is the beauty of the world", beauty is the existence of people, aesthetic education is to cultivate the all-round development of people, to achieve the essence of all human beings. Mr. Jiang explored beauty from the essence of man, and finally returned to the realization of human essence, which drew a satisfactory end to the running track of beauty. Art is the concentrated embodiment of beauty, and aesthetic education is mainly carried out through art. Art is firmly opposed to pretence and ugliness, but ugliness in life can turn into beauty in art. At present, "consumer literature and art" overflow, art commercialization, entertainment, desire, ugly trend is serious. People of insight saw the importance and urgency of saving art and chanted the slogan "New Humanities Spirit". Mr. Jiang's thought of aesthetic education and the call of new humanistic spirit are consistent and still have guiding significance for the healthy development of literature and art. Mr. Jiang Kongyang's thinking on beauty, art and life is the same, but nowadays literature and art is often extreme and only pays attention to one aspect. It is undoubtedly valuable to mention Mr. Jiang's theory in the field of contemporary art. Mr. Jiang's theory also has some bias and imperfections. Fortunately, what he left us is an open system. We can inherit in criticism and develop in succession, so that Mr. Jiang's thoughts can radiate youthful brilliance in the new century.
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