发布时间:2019-01-24 12:32
【摘要】:《林语堂美学思想探微》主要从美学的角度切入,以通读林语堂 原著为基础,通过综合比较林语堂与梁启超、王国维、鲁迅、周作人、 胡适、辜鸿铭、梁实秋等现当代文人思想的异同,归纳分析林语堂美 学思想的主要特征,同时也将林语堂美学思想与康德、克罗齐、白壁 德等西方美学思想进行辨析,最后直觉领悟其美学思想的实质,从而 深刻揭示林语堂在当时被主流意识形态批判的社会历史原因,并阐发 其“健全的思想”虽受挫于一时,却对建构“全球化”语境下的现当 代思想文化具有一定的参考价值,并且有利于促进整个社会的健全发 展。虽然林语堂并未写过一部美学专著,但是其美学思想是丰富而深 刻的。《林语堂美学思想探微》考察了林语堂美学思想形成的历史渊源、 理论渊源及其个人境遇和美学思想的产生,并从以下四个方面阐析了 其美学思想的内容:人生美学的审美反思、自由自然的美学姿态、悠 闲幽默的审美情结、无伪的真我体验,最后评述其思想对于当代美学 以及思想文化的多重启示。科学合理的阐释其思想,是重新接纳这位 长期处于意识形态之外的“海外”学子的前提条件。林语堂美学思想 属于世界,更加属于中国。正如鲁迅所说,我们要合理的“拿来”,并 且在此基础上,我们要有所创新,,力图向世界“送去”中国人的“思 想文化精品”。在“全球化”的时代,惟有以更开阔的心胸去挑选、鉴 别、发挥古今中外的一切思想文化遗产,才会促进本民族的复兴,并 为世界思想文化进步添砖加瓦。在此意义上,林语堂应当在中国现代 文学史、美学史、思想史、文化史上占有一席之地。惟其如此,才会 将现代众多知识分子的“百家争鸣”摆在一个较大的历史时空加以审 视、阐发,并且“为我所用”,推动当代学术的发展。
[Abstract]:A probe into Lin Yutang's Aesthetic thoughts. It is based on a thorough reading of the original works of Lin Yutang. The similarities and differences between the thoughts of modern and contemporary scholars, such as Hu Shi, Gu Hongming, Liang Shiqiu, and so on, are summarized and analyzed. At the same time, the aesthetic thoughts of #china_person and Kant's, Croce's, are also analyzed. Babbitt and other western aesthetic thoughts were analyzed, and finally intuitively understood the essence of his aesthetic thought, thus profoundly revealing the social and historical reasons why Lin Yutang was criticized by the mainstream ideology at that time. And expound that its "sound thought" is frustrated in a moment, but it has certain reference value to construct the current generation thought culture in the context of "globalization". And is conducive to promoting the sound development of the whole society. Although Lin Yutang has not written an aesthetic monograph, his aesthetic thoughts are rich and deeply engraved. The origin of the theory, its personal circumstances and the emergence of aesthetic thought, and the content of its aesthetic thought are analyzed from the following four aspects: aesthetic reflection of life aesthetics, aesthetic posture of freedom and nature, and the following four aspects: the aesthetic reflection of life aesthetics, the aesthetic posture of freedom and nature, The aesthetic complex of leisurely humor, the true self experience without falsehood, and finally comments on the enlightenment of his thoughts to contemporary aesthetics and ideological culture. A scientific and rational interpretation of his thought is a prerequisite for readmission to this long-term "overseas" student who has been outside the ideology for a long time. Lin Yutang's aesthetic thought belongs to the world and even more to China. As Lu Xun said, we should reasonably "bring it", and on this basis, we should innovate and try to "send" the Chinese "thinking culture" to the world. In the era of "globalization", only by choosing, distinguishing, and giving play to all the ideological and cultural heritage of the ancient, modern and foreign countries can we promote the rejuvenation of our nation. And for the world's ideological and cultural progress. In this sense, Lin Yutang should have a place in the history of modern Chinese literature, aesthetic history, ideological history and cultural history. Only in this way will the "hundred schools of thought contend" of many modern intellectuals be viewed and elucidated in a larger historical time and space, and "for our own use." To promote the development of contemporary learning.
[Abstract]:A probe into Lin Yutang's Aesthetic thoughts. It is based on a thorough reading of the original works of Lin Yutang. The similarities and differences between the thoughts of modern and contemporary scholars, such as Hu Shi, Gu Hongming, Liang Shiqiu, and so on, are summarized and analyzed. At the same time, the aesthetic thoughts of #china_person and Kant's, Croce's, are also analyzed. Babbitt and other western aesthetic thoughts were analyzed, and finally intuitively understood the essence of his aesthetic thought, thus profoundly revealing the social and historical reasons why Lin Yutang was criticized by the mainstream ideology at that time. And expound that its "sound thought" is frustrated in a moment, but it has certain reference value to construct the current generation thought culture in the context of "globalization". And is conducive to promoting the sound development of the whole society. Although Lin Yutang has not written an aesthetic monograph, his aesthetic thoughts are rich and deeply engraved. The origin of the theory, its personal circumstances and the emergence of aesthetic thought, and the content of its aesthetic thought are analyzed from the following four aspects: aesthetic reflection of life aesthetics, aesthetic posture of freedom and nature, and the following four aspects: the aesthetic reflection of life aesthetics, the aesthetic posture of freedom and nature, The aesthetic complex of leisurely humor, the true self experience without falsehood, and finally comments on the enlightenment of his thoughts to contemporary aesthetics and ideological culture. A scientific and rational interpretation of his thought is a prerequisite for readmission to this long-term "overseas" student who has been outside the ideology for a long time. Lin Yutang's aesthetic thought belongs to the world and even more to China. As Lu Xun said, we should reasonably "bring it", and on this basis, we should innovate and try to "send" the Chinese "thinking culture" to the world. In the era of "globalization", only by choosing, distinguishing, and giving play to all the ideological and cultural heritage of the ancient, modern and foreign countries can we promote the rejuvenation of our nation. And for the world's ideological and cultural progress. In this sense, Lin Yutang should have a place in the history of modern Chinese literature, aesthetic history, ideological history and cultural history. Only in this way will the "hundred schools of thought contend" of many modern intellectuals be viewed and elucidated in a larger historical time and space, and "for our own use." To promote the development of contemporary learning.
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1 黄家城;;绘画与书法的美学价值互现[J];社会科学家;2011年08期
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