[Abstract]:Under the background of globalization and commercialization, people's desire has been magnified unlimitedly, so as to confuse right and wrong, black-and-white things can be seen everywhere, the corrosion of academia and art has also been common, and it is not strange to see that the corrosion of the academic world and the art world has become common and strange. First of all, this is because of the present Chinese thinking "inflection point." If you don't pay attention to it from the point of view of thinking, it will often only flow to the old style of treating the symptoms rather than the root causes. And although Chinese artistic thinking is an ancient form of thinking, although it has its own limitations, but from its characteristics and beyond the significance of the times, to cure the distortion of the thinking of modern people, the rational problems of modern people's thinking, Still has the important realistic significance and the warning world function. Therefore, it is restated that the characteristics, methods and starting points of exploring and widely spreading the Chinese artistic thinking are of special and important reference value at present.
【作者单位】: 上海大学影视艺术技术学院;
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