发布时间:2019-06-11 20:25
[Abstract]:The labor cost of literary creation has the low cost of material cost and the high value of spiritual cost. The threshold of literary creation is low and the entrance of literature is larger, but the deeper the entry, the greater the cost required, which is mainly reflected in the high ideological cost, high moral cost of personality, high cost of life experience and high cost of emotional input, etc. the higher the cost of thought, the higher the cost of personality and morality, the higher the cost of life experience and the higher the cost of emotional input, and so on. Because it can not meet the basic survival needs and safety needs of people, literary works can not have a large area of consumers. Vulgar literature earns rapid economic benefits at low spiritual costs. Serious literature with the self-respect of labor value, waiting for a long way to return.
【作者单位】: 甘肃天水师范学院文史学院;
[Abstract]:The labor cost of literary creation has the low cost of material cost and the high value of spiritual cost. The threshold of literary creation is low and the entrance of literature is larger, but the deeper the entry, the greater the cost required, which is mainly reflected in the high ideological cost, high moral cost of personality, high cost of life experience and high cost of emotional input, etc. the higher the cost of thought, the higher the cost of personality and morality, the higher the cost of life experience and the higher the cost of emotional input, and so on. Because it can not meet the basic survival needs and safety needs of people, literary works can not have a large area of consumers. Vulgar literature earns rapid economic benefits at low spiritual costs. Serious literature with the self-respect of labor value, waiting for a long way to return.
【作者单位】: 甘肃天水师范学院文史学院;
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