[Abstract]:Hegel's "the end of art" theory, this serious proposition, has forced us to reflect on the legitimacy of the literature and art in an all-round way: how can literature be saved? What happened to the "end" of literature? Starting with the defects of the current "the end of art" study, the "the end of art" of Hegel is interpreted with the view of literary memory, and it can be found that the present "the truth" is the inner hidden structure of the dominant literature, and the subject is in the middle of the "memory loss" in the society of the desire. That is, the emergence of the memory crisis can accelerate the art to the crisis, and the "end". From the point of view of existence philosophy, the crisis of memory is a kind of survival crisis. The ideal way to solve the problem is to make a careful study of the literature and memory, that is, to carry on the deep interpretation of the literary memory from the perspective of the existence aesthetics, and to discuss the necessity of carrying out this research from the current spirit of the times.
【作者单位】: 南京师范大学文学院;
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