发布时间:2021-08-08 20:28
随着国际文化交往日趋频繁,翻译研究也向文化方向倾斜。归化与异化这对与文化因素密切相联的翻译策略成为了当前翻译界讨论最多的话题之一。本文从影响翻译策略选择的文化因素出发,通过运用多元体系派、翻译研究派、抵抗翻译策略、以及目的论等理论就归化、异化的翻译策略在翻译中的选择问题进行了分析讨论。本文共分五部分: 第一部分讨论了直译、意译与归化、异化的关系;介绍了本文研究的重点。 第二部分回顾了以往关于归化、异化的研究成果。大致有如下特点:一、从文本角度出发。二、以源语为中心。 第三部分罗列了多元体系派、翻译研究派(操控派)、抵抗翻译策略,和目的论对归化与异化的观点。 第四部分是论文的重点,以两段历史时期1898-1919和1919-1937的翻译文学为例,通过运用多元体系派、翻译研究派、抵抗翻译策略、以及目的论等理论,就不同时期所采用的翻译策略进行考察、比较,发现可能影响译者的归化、异化选择的文化因素至少有如下几种:一、翻译作品的文化地位。二、译者的文化态度和其翻译目的。三、译语读者的接受能力。 第五部分在以上分析的基础上得出结论:无论从文本角度,还是从文化角度看,...
【文章来源】:宁夏大学宁夏回族自治区 211工程院校
【文章页数】:58 页
Part One Introduction
Part Two Present Studies on Domestication and Foreignization
2.1 Advantages and disadvantages of Domestication and Foreignization
2.2 Principles Guiding the Choice of Domestication and Foreignization
Part Three Views on Domestication and Foreignization by Different Schools
3.1 Polysystem Theory and Domestication vs. Foreignization
3.2 Views by Manipulation School
3.3 Foreignization vs. Domestication: Resistance against the Anglo-American Culture
3.4 Skopos Theory and Domestication & Foreignization
Part Four Cultural Factors Influencing the Choice of Domestication and Foreignization: A Case Study of Chinese Translated Literature Around May 4~(th) Movement
4.1 The Cultural Position of the Translated Literature in the periods of 1898-1919 and 1919-1937
4.1.1 The Chinese Literary Polysystem and the Position of the Chinese Translated Literature in Different Historical Periods
4.1.2 The Translation Strategies Adopted in the Two Periods: 1898-1919 and 1919-1937
4.2 The Translators' Attitude and Their Translation Purpose
4.2.1 The Translators' Attitude and Their Translation Purpose in 1898-1919
4.2.2 The Translators' Attitude and Their Translation Purpose in 1919-1937
4.3 Target Reader's Acceptability
Part Five Conclusion
[1]从话语的角度重读魏易与林纾合译的《黑奴吁天录》[J]. 张佩瑶. 中国翻译. 2003(02)
[2]跨文化翻译中的异化与归化问题[J]. 许建平,张荣曦. 中国翻译. 2002(05)
[3]翻译的异化与归化[J]. 孙致礼!洛阳036信箱30号,河南洛阳471003. 山东外语教学. 2001(01)
[4]文化交流与翻译[J]. 许崇信. 外国语(上海外国语学院学报). 1991(01)
【文章来源】:宁夏大学宁夏回族自治区 211工程院校
【文章页数】:58 页
Part One Introduction
Part Two Present Studies on Domestication and Foreignization
2.1 Advantages and disadvantages of Domestication and Foreignization
2.2 Principles Guiding the Choice of Domestication and Foreignization
Part Three Views on Domestication and Foreignization by Different Schools
3.1 Polysystem Theory and Domestication vs. Foreignization
3.2 Views by Manipulation School
3.3 Foreignization vs. Domestication: Resistance against the Anglo-American Culture
3.4 Skopos Theory and Domestication & Foreignization
Part Four Cultural Factors Influencing the Choice of Domestication and Foreignization: A Case Study of Chinese Translated Literature Around May 4~(th) Movement
4.1 The Cultural Position of the Translated Literature in the periods of 1898-1919 and 1919-1937
4.1.1 The Chinese Literary Polysystem and the Position of the Chinese Translated Literature in Different Historical Periods
4.1.2 The Translation Strategies Adopted in the Two Periods: 1898-1919 and 1919-1937
4.2 The Translators' Attitude and Their Translation Purpose
4.2.1 The Translators' Attitude and Their Translation Purpose in 1898-1919
4.2.2 The Translators' Attitude and Their Translation Purpose in 1919-1937
4.3 Target Reader's Acceptability
Part Five Conclusion
[1]从话语的角度重读魏易与林纾合译的《黑奴吁天录》[J]. 张佩瑶. 中国翻译. 2003(02)
[2]跨文化翻译中的异化与归化问题[J]. 许建平,张荣曦. 中国翻译. 2002(05)
[3]翻译的异化与归化[J]. 孙致礼!洛阳036信箱30号,河南洛阳471003. 山东外语教学. 2001(01)
[4]文化交流与翻译[J]. 许崇信. 外国语(上海外国语学院学报). 1991(01)