发布时间:2017-12-31 01:13
本文关键词:明清山东方言文献短时表达法研究 出处:《吉林大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 明清山东方言文献 短时表达 时间副词 动词重叠 隐喻
【摘要】:本文考察的对象是明清山东方言文献里的短时表达法,即从“短时”这一语义范畴入手,探寻明清山东方言文献表“短时”这一语义范畴的实现形式。本文采取专题性研究的方式,通过“表短时的时间词语”、“表短时的时间副词”、“动词重叠表短时”、“隐喻与短时表达”四个专题的研究,“以点带面”,呈现明清山东方言文献短时表达的基本轮廓。具体内容如下: 引论介绍了选题缘由、明清山东方言文献及汉语短时表达法研究现状、引文体例及版本说明、研究思路及方法等。 第一章,短时概说。“短时”是普遍存在的认知范畴也是一个庞大的语义语法范畴,具有主观性、相对性等特点,从意义标准及形式标准两方面对“短时”进行了界定。 第二章,表短时的时间词语。本章以刘月华的观点为参照,把时间词语分为时间词和时间结构两部分,分别对《金瓶梅词话》、《醒世姻缘传》、《聊斋俚曲集》中表短时的时间词、时间结构进行穷尽式的列举分析,对“俄”、“霎”等时间词进行了历时溯源比较,,总结出时间词的结构特点、使用频率及句法功能。 第三章,表短时的时间副词。本章以李少华、张谊生、陆俭明的观点为参照,把短时时间副词分为“刚刚”类、“即刻”类、“暂且”类、“X然”类。在对每个词举例分析的基础上,选取部分明清时期其他文献加以共时比较分析,同时将部分短时时间副词置于不同的历史阶段,探讨它们在不同时期的使用特点。 第四章,动词重叠表短时。本章首先综述各家对动词重叠表达的语法意义的观点,并结合近代汉语文献来证明动词重叠可表量小时短的意义,提出了动词重叠表短时的制约因素;其次对《金瓶梅词话》《醒世姻缘传》《聊斋俚曲集》中八种表短时的动词重叠式举例分析。 第五章,隐喻与短时表达。本章首先探讨了通过隐喻表达短时的方式,如身体动作表短时、某些物体动作表短时、吃饭喝茶等动作表短时;其次探讨了它们的隐喻机制。 结语对本文的研究进行了概括总结,说明了本文的创新之处以及不足。
[Abstract]:The object of this paper is to find out the short - term expression method in the literature of Shandong dialect in Ming and Qing , that is , from the semantic category of " short time " , to explore the realization form of " short time " in Ming and Qing Shandong dialect document table . This paper introduces the reasons of choosing the subject , the current situation of the study of Shandong dialect literature and the short - time expression method in Ming and Qing Dynasties , the introduction and the version description , the thought and method of the study . The first chapter , brief introduction , " short time " is ubiquitous cognitive category is also a huge semantic grammar category , has the characteristics of subjectivity , relativity and so on , it defines " short time " from two aspects of meaning standard and formal standard . In chapter 2 , the short time words in the table are discussed in this chapter . In this chapter , the temporal words and time structures are divided into two parts : time and time structure , and the temporal words and time structures are analyzed . The structure characteristics , frequency and syntax functions of the time words are summarized . In chapter 3 , the short - term auxiliary words are divided into " just " , " immediate " , " temporary " and " X - likelihood " based on the views of Li Shaohua , Zhang Yi - sheng and Lu Jian - ming . On the basis of the analysis of each word , some other documents in the Ming and Qing period are selected to be compared and analyzed , and meanwhile , some short - term temporal subwords are put into different historical stages , and their use characteristics in different periods are discussed . In chapter 4 , the verb overlapping table is short - term . This chapter summarizes the grammatical meaning of the overlapping expressions of verbs , and combines the modern Chinese literature to prove the meaning of the short time of the overlapping of the verbs , and puts forward the restriction factors for the short time of the overlapping of the verbs , and secondly , analyses the short - time verbs of the eight tables in the Tibetan - Jin Ping Mei Ci dialect . Chapter 5 , metaphor and short - term expression . This chapter first discusses the short - term use of metaphor expression , such as short - term body action table , short time of some object action tables , eating and drinking tea , etc . , and then discusses their metaphor mechanism . The conclusion summarizes the research of this paper , and illustrates the innovation and shortcomings of this article .
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