发布时间:2018-01-26 01:35
本文关键词: 妻 甲骨文 金文 异体字 构形理据 抢婚 出处:《河南社会科学》2014年12期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:Through the heterogeneity of "wife" in Jin Wen and the evolution of marriage form, from the origin of phonetic characters, ancient books, Chinese and foreign marriage customs. Language folklore and other aspects can explore the structure of the word "wife" in oracle bone inscriptions. The cultural background of oracle bone inscription "wife" is the marriage snatching custom that prevailed in the process of transition from dual marriage to monogamy. Because the first way to get a wife is to rob after sunset, so. The word "wife" in oracle bone writing on the font. "it's like someone grabbing a woman's hair with his hand to steal her hair, while the words are synonymous with the west, meaning that" the woman robbed after sunset "is his wife.
【作者单位】: 安阳师范学院文学院;
【基金】:“河南省高校哲学社会科学创新团队支持计划”资助项目(2013-CXTD-02) 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目(10YJAZH002) 河南省哲学社会科学规划项目(2010BSH001)
【正文快照】: 殷墟甲骨文“”字,罗振玉《殷虚书契考释》释 据《礼记》和《仪礼》等书记载,在我国古代,女子为“敏”字,孙海波《甲骨文编》、金祥恒《续甲骨文在15岁到20岁之间,订婚(许嫁)以后、出嫁之前,要编》、高明《古文字类编》等从之。叶玉森《说契》释为举行隆重的笄礼。是时,亲友云
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