本文关键词: 《韵学集成》 小韵首字 双音词 研究 出处:《福建师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:明代章黼编纂的《韵学集成》,刊成于明天顺庚辰(1460年),长期以来学术界对于其关注焦点主要集中在音韵这一领域,忽略了其在词汇上的重要价值。本文从词汇的角度对《集成》进行研究,把《集成》小韵首字中出现的双音词进行整理统计与分析。首先对《集成》双音词的来源进行考释;接着从构成方式角度对这些双音词进行分析,判定其语言学价值;然后对《集成》小韵首字的联绵词进行量化统计和分析;最后对《集成》的词汇释义方式进行研究,从而理清《集成》的小韵首字和双音词之间的关系。 总体而言,《集成》小韵首字首先从形式上看,是构成双音词的基础,从作用方面分类,可分为释义性双音词与组词性双音词,而且小韵首字与双音词之间有语音联系。
[Abstract]:The Integration of Rhymology, compiled by Zhang Fu in Ming Dynasty, was published tomorrow (1460). For a long time, the academic circles focused on the field of phonology. This paper studies "integration" from the lexical point of view, and makes statistics and analysis of the disyllabic words appearing in the "integration" rhyme. First, the origin of the "integrated" disyllabic words is studied. Then it analyzes the dicyllabic words from the angle of composition, determines their linguistic value, and then makes quantitative statistics and analysis on the conjunctive words of "integrated" rhyme head words. Finally, it studies the lexical interpretation mode of "integration". In order to clarify the integration of the small rhyme and the relationship between dicyllabic words. In general, the small rhyme head word is the basis of the disyllabic word from the formal point of view. It can be classified into two kinds of words in terms of function, and there is a phonetic relation between the small rhyme head word and the disyllabic word.
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