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发布时间:2018-03-11 14:14

  本文选题:古藏文写本 切入点:《声明要领二卷》 出处:《西藏大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:吐蕃赞普松赞干布时期佛教正式从印度传入吐蕃。尔后松赞干布的王位传至第五代子嗣赤松德赞时期,便从印度先后迎请了寂护和莲花生两位大师;公元779年在寂护的主持下修建了藏族历史上第一座寺院—桑耶寺。随后特地派人到印度恭请了十二位根本“说一切部”的僧人,协助寂护开始试度吐蕃贵族青年出家;从而实现了吐蕃本土首批僧伽组织的出现即“七觉士”。桑耶寺建成后,为了学习佛法招收藏族少年培养翻译人才,组建译场,从事佛经翻译。在漫长的佛经翻译实践中,班智达和译师们不断总结翻译经验,出具形成藏族翻译理论雏形。 吐蕃赞普赤德松赞继位后,牢记其父赤松德赞的愿望,聘请祖国内地及印度等地佛教学者,同藏族译人一起译经,在译经过程中不断总结经验,找出存在的问题,探寻产生问题的原因。通过总结提出统一术语之基本要求,并开始提出了译经原则及翻译基本技法,其原则及技法于公元814年赞普以法令形式颁布于世即:藏族历史上第一部翻译理论著作—《声明要领二卷》。 历代班智达和译师以此理论奉为金科玉律,把浩如烟海、博大精深的兄弟民族优秀文化典籍翻译成藏文,逐渐形成了举世瞩目的藏族百科全书-藏文《大藏经》。这正是依靠此翻译理论的。 本文以历史唯物主义观,充分应用各种不同版本的《声明要领二卷》古籍、藏汉史料及敦煌文献上的零星记载,通过历史学、文献学、翻译学等多学科理论知识和研究方法,在国内外学者研究成果的基础上,对这部古代藏族翻译理论进行较深入翔实的研究。 本文用四章的篇幅,,对古代藏族翻译理论进行研究。具体内容概述如下: 第一章,详细介绍了迄今保存完整的《声明要领二卷》不同版本,且根据其内容完整性分为:完整型版本、残缺型版本两个小节。其中着重介绍了少见的两件《声明要领二卷》写本,并进行详细的临摹记录。 第二章,概述吐蕃赞普松赞干布至赤德松赞期间的吐蕃社会的历史背景,同时以历代赞普佛经翻译活动情况为主线,翔实地研究了古代藏族翻译理论《声明要领二卷》形成的原因。 第三章,从八个方面研究了该翻译理论体系。一、从该著作的书名来历入手,就如何区分该书提到的第一卷、第二卷界限问题提出了拙见。二、梳理了该翻译理论的具体内容,特别是重新解读了至今学术界众说纷纭,莫衷一是的古藏文词汇“”“”等。三、吐蕃时期翻译队伍、译场的历史沿革进行了研究。四、根据新发现的《声明要领二卷》写本,打破关于此翻译理论成书年代传统说法,并初步推断成书年代。四、通过实地调研和文献资料相结合方式,对该翻译理论编篡地温江多宫殿的历史演变进行考证。 第四章,主要探讨了该翻译理论相关的问题。从三个方面进行介绍:一、主要研究了藏族历史上著名三大译师人生轨迹及留给后代的丰功伟绩,同时对三大译师任大译审一职的先后顺序提出了拙见。二、从吐蕃时期出现的“”和“”的最初含义探讨它们间的内在联系和区别,继而对各词汇所引申的决议内容进行分析并提出浅见。三、吐蕃时期编篡的三大佛经目录《兰噶目录》《钦浦目录》《旁塘目录》进行深入翔实的研究,主要探讨了三大目录编辑人员、时间、地点等问题,同时通过现存的《兰噶目录》《旁塘目录》与《普顿佛经目录》进行校勘,尽自己绵薄之力推测遗失的《钦浦目录》所收录的部分典籍。
[Abstract]:Zanpu of Tubo Buddhism in the period of Song Xan Gan Bbu from India formally introduced to the Tubo. Then the throne of Song Xan Gan Bbu to the fifth generation offspring from the Akamatsu Toku period, India has invited the santaraksita and Padmasambhava two masters; in 779 ad santaraksita built under the auspices of the Tibetan history the temple -. Then sent to India monastery I said all twelve fundamental "monks, santaraksita began to try to assist the Tibetan nobility young monk; in order to achieve a local Sangha organization first appeared the" seven Cox ". After the completion of the study for the Samye monastery, Buddhism Tibetan Youth translation talents recruitment, the formation of a translation, in the translation of Buddhist scriptures. In the long Buddhist translation practice, and translation of Banzhida teachers constantly sum up experience in translation, issued by the formation of the Tibetan translation theory prototype.
Zanpu of Tubo sadnalegs succession, remember his father Akamatsu Toku's desire to engage in the mainland and India, with the translation of Tibetan Buddhist scholars, with translation, in the translation process to constantly sum up experience, find out problems, explore the causes of the problems. The basic requirements of the unified terminology proposed by summing up, and began to make the translation of the basic principles and techniques of translation, its principles and techniques in the year 814 by decree issued Zanpu in the world: the first Tibetan history translation theory works - < essentials volume two statement.
The Banzhida and lotsawa this theory as the multitude, broad and profound golden laws and precious rules, the brother of outstanding national cultural classics translation into Tibetan, and gradually formed a remarkable Tibetan Encyclopedia: Tibetan Tripitaka. This is "depending on the translation theory.
Based on the historical materialism, making full use of a variety of different versions of the two essentials of < statement > volume of books, sporadic records, Tibetan and Chinese historical literature and Dunhuang through history, literature, translation theories knowledge and research methods, based on the research results of scholars at home and abroad, the thorough research of informative on the ancient Tibetan translation theory.
In this paper, the four chapters are used to study the ancient Tibetan translation theory.
The first chapter introduces in detail so far to preserve the integrity of the essentials volume two > < statement of different versions, and according to the integrity of the content is divided into: the complete version, version two incomplete sections. Which focuses on the rare two essentials volume two < statement > A, and copying records in detail.
The second chapter, an overview of Song Xan Gan Bbu to Zanpu of Tubo sadnalegs during the Tibetan social historical background, at the same time the Zanpu sutra translation activities as the main line, detailed studies the causes of ancient Tibetan translation theory "declaration form. Volume two essentials >
The third chapter, from eight aspects of the theoretical system of translation. First, starting from the origin of the title of the work, how to distinguish the first volume of the book mentioned, second volume limits proposed opinion. Two, combing the specific contents of the translation theories, especially the re interpretation to this academic Public opinions are divergent.. The ancient Tibetan vocabulary unable to agree on which is right ". In three, the Tubo Period translation team, the history of translation is studied. Four, according to the statement of essentials of two newly discovered manuscripts on this volume >, break the translation theory into the book's tradition, and concluded in a book. Four, through field research documents and methods combined with the translation theory to compile Wenjiang palace evolution history research.
The fourth chapter mainly discusses the problems of the translation theories are introduced. From three aspects: first, mainly studies the Tibetan history of the famous three lotsawa life track and valiant record for future generations. At the same time, the trial of three translation division Ren Dayi sequence presented humble opinion. Two, the original meaning appears from the Tubo Period "" and "" to explore the internal relations and differences between them, then the content resolution vocabulary extension is analyzed and proposed. On the three, of the three major Buddhist directory Directory > < LAN Directory > < Qin Pu GA Tubo Period compilation by Tang catalogue of in-depth detailed. Mainly discusses the three directory editors, time, location and other issues, and through the existing Directory > < < blue karma Directory > collate and beside the pond "Hampton Sutra catalogue, contributing that included the missing Directory > < Qin Pu part Classics.



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